Failed to connect with wallet on No Modal SDK when using in Svelte

Is your rpcTarget active? Can you try one by replacing the infura rpcTarget with and let me know if it works for you?

Same here this app constantly breaks and I’ve had a heap of issues since I started using it

this is my only issue was working not its not so its a web3auth issue hopefully its gets resolved quick



is the rpc im using

I see error code 405 on this. can you try out with this ?

im using optimism goerli not mainnet

the error is coming from openlogin can you please look into it codebase hasn’t changed, its a openlogin issue

Sorry, my motive here is to try out any other active rpc. You coud try this

Please try to understand that the codebase doesn’t need to change for an rpcTarget to start failing.Hence, I need to eliminate this common reason for this kind of error,

tried both rpctargets still failing

i have narrowed it down it hangs up with popup and timesout and fails redirect will acutally set the sessionid so hopefully this helps you narrow down the bug

Hey @josephrios56

Please be informed that our team will be reaching out to you via email to provide you with the necessary assistance. Kindly keep an eye out for their message.

your own demo app doesnt work as well, just some reassurance that its an issue on your side, all i wanted was to make sure it wasn’t me no need for me to stay up debuging when its an external issue.

Hey @josephrios56

I just tried out the demo, and it’s working for me.

demo app ( is not working for me. I login from Malaysia, using Chrome Version 119.0.6045.105

This doesn’t work for me.

@here Please try it now, team has pushed a build which should solve the issue. Also we do a phased roll out for different regions and it is causing the issue on a few regions where this update was rolled out.
New users won’t be affected at all, this is only affecting existing issues.
The fix is rolled out now. It will take some time to propagate across regions.
Apologizing for the inconvenience.

It still not working for me. How long it take for the fix to be effective ?

Could you please try once after performing a hard refresh ? (control + refresh)

Now is working for me.
Just FYI, Control + refresh not working, you have to clear cache from chrome:

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