Flutter SDK + Firebase JWT integration issue


We had an existing Flutter / JWT / FIrebase integration that was working as expected.

A few days ago it stopped working with any errors. The login process is stuck on the modal loading screen. We also got an email to upgrade the SDK from v4 to v6 which didn’t seem to fix the issue.

  final loginConfig = HashMap<String, LoginConfigItem>();
  loginConfig['jwt'] = LoginConfigItem(
    verifier: Env.web3authVerifier, // get it from web3auth dashboard
    typeOfLogin: TypeOfLogin.jwt,
    clientId: Env.web3authCliendId,
      clientId: Env.web3authCliendId,
      network: network,
      redirectUrl: redirectUrl,
      chainNamespace: ChainNamespace.eip155,
      whiteLabel: WhiteLabelData(
        appName: "X",
        appUrl: "https://X.com",
        logoLight: logoUrl,
        logoDark: logoUrl,
        useLogoLoader: false,
        mode: ThemeModes.light,
        defaultLanguage: Language.en,
        theme: HashMap.from({
          "primary": "#4F5DFB",
      loginConfig: loginConfig,
      // 259200 allows user to stay authenticated for 3 days with Web3Auth.
      // Default is 86400, which is 1 day.
      sessionTime: 259200,
try {
      result = await Web3AuthFlutter.login(
          loginProvider: web3enums.Provider.jwt,
          extraLoginOptions: ExtraLoginOptions(
            id_token: idToken,
            domain: "firebase",

      // Use result here
      print("###########Login successful: ${result.privKey}");
    } catch (e, stackTrace) {
      // Log or handle the error
      print("#############Login failed: $e");
      print("##########StackTrace: $stackTrace");

Hey Kapies! Thanks for sharing the details and code snippets.

It sounds like you’re using:
• The Flutter SDK (recently upgraded from v4 to v6)
• A custom JWT flow with Firebase
• A verifier setup in the Web3Auth dashboard

Since it just stopped working and now gets stuck on the loading modal, could you help us with a bit more info so our team can dig deeper?

  1. Which specific version of the Web3Auth Flutter SDK are you on?
  2. Have you changed anything in your Firebase configuration or Web3Auth dashboard verifier since this started?
  3. Could you share any logs or error messages from the Flutter console when the modal gets stuck (if there are none, a screenshot could help)?
  4. If possible, can you confirm that your JWT is valid (e.g., checking claims on jwt.io) and that your JWKS endpoint is correctly set in the Web3Auth dashboard?

Feel free to post any relevant screenshots or logs. Our team will pick it up right away. Thanks again for the details, and we’ll do our best to get you back on track!

Note: This response was generated by an AI bot and may require further verification. The Web3Auth support team has tracked this issue and will be responding as soon as possible.

Additionally, we would recommend you to join our biweekly Office Hours to get this resolved even faster. Web3Auth Developer Office Hours

  1. Which specific version of the Web3Auth Flutter SDK are you on?
    web3auth_flutter: ^6.1.2
    web3dart: ^2.7.3
  2. Have you changed anything in your Firebase configuration or Web3Auth dashboard verifier since this started?
  • Nothing it’s been the same setup since day one.
  1. Could you share any logs or error messages from the Flutter console when the modal gets stuck (if there are none, a screenshot could help)?
  • No logs as it hangs in the modal itself,
  1. If possible, can you confirm that your JWT is valid (e.g., checking claims on jwt.io) and that your JWKS endpoint is correctly set in the Web3Auth dashboard?
  • jwt is all good, body is correct I verified.

What is the status of this issue? This is currently impacting our production release with over 10k+ users having trouble logging in on our platform.

hi team, any update?

Hey, looking into the issue. We’ll get back to you in couple of hours.

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Hey, I tried our example for Firebase. It seems to work fine. I tried with multiple versions of the Flutter SDK.

Example: web3auth-pnp-examples/flutter/flutter-firebase-example at main · Web3Auth/web3auth-pnp-examples · GitHub

Can I please get more details

  1. Your Web3Auth Client id
  2. Your Web3Auth Network
  3. Your verifier name
  4. Which login method you are using in the Firebase?
  5. Does it happen on Android, iOS or both?
  1. Your Web3Auth Client id
  2. Your Web3Auth Network
  3. Your verifier name
  4. Which login method you are using in the Firebase?
  5. Does it happen on Android, iOS or both?

Can you please try this code snippet for login.

result = await Web3AuthFlutter.login(
          loginProvider: Provider.jwt,
          extraLoginOptions: ExtraLoginOptions(
            id_token: idToken,

We have removed the domain, as it shouldn’t be required. Also, using the Provider enum from the SDK. Also, please check once that the ENV variables are also getting picked properly, as it can also be one of the issue.

it’s just hanging on the call, no response from the login call.

Do you see any error, it doesn’t execute the login method completely?

yeah it just hangs no response coming back

Can I enable a flag to debug/verbose?

It’s not possible, since it uses Platform Channel, and we don’t have a flag to enable it. Can you inspect the js element using Safari browser for iOS Simulator, or inspect devices using the Chrome for Emulator, and get the URL that it opened?

I tried with Cyan as well, it doesn’t seem to have any issue for our example.

that’s all I was able to grab

@Ayush Can we message you internally to share the callback URL?

You can share in the Community portal DM. I’m sending you a message.

I replied to your dm