Got error to login to

We tried to log in with a certain email address and an error occurred.
There seemed to be a 500 error when sending a POST request to

This is the type of login, verifier and EOA.
I can share the email address via DM if needed.
EOA: 0x7C8A706204f5BD5C2aF6Dcc53fC1206460000fa7

It would be helpful to have support from your team.
Thank you.

Hi @masataka.tanaka,

I hope you are well. Let me check with the team and get back to you?

Thanks for your patience

Hi @masataka.tanaka,

I have a few questions so I can help you more effectively.

  • Is this a new error? Was it working okay before?
  • Which network are you using?
  • Which SDK/Packages and version you are using ?


Hi @TomTom ,

Thank you for asking.

  • Is this a new error? Was it working okay before?
    Yes, was able to log in before. This account was created on June 9, 2021.
  • Which network are you using?
    We are using Polygon network.
  • Which SDK/Packages and version you are using ?
    @toruslabs/torus-embed: 4.1.3
    We are using this SDK/Packages.


hi @masataka.tanaka

Did you try to update the library to the last version ? v5.0.0 ?

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