"Invalid login - something went wrong"

@web3auth/base”: “^7.0.4”,
@web3auth/modal”: “^7.0.4”,
@web3auth/torus-wallet-connector-plugin”: “^7.0.4”,
@web3auth/wallet-connect-v2-adapter”: “^7.0.4”,

new Web3Auth({

            clientId, // Get your Client ID from Web3Js Dashboard
            web3AuthNetwork: "testnet",
            storageKey: "local",
            uiConfig: {
                appLogo: logoPetit,
                theme: "dark",
                loginMethodsOrder: ['google', 'facebook', 'apple', 'linkedin']
            chainConfig: {
                chainNamespace: "eip155",
                chainId: chainId, // hex of 137, polygon mainnet
                rpcTarget: APP.state.get('eth_ws_web3auth'),
                // Avoid using public rpcTarget in production.
                // Use services like Infura, Quicknode etc
                //displayName: displayName,
                //blockExplorer: blockExplorer,
                //ticker: ticker,
                //tickerName: tickerName,

new OpenloginAdapter({
loginSettings: {
mfaLevel: “none”, // Pass on the mfa level of your choice: default, optional, mandatory, none
adapterSettings: {
uxMode: browserName.toLowerCase().includes(‘safari’) ? ‘redirect’ : ‘popup’,
redirectUrl: window.location.origin + ‘/trade’,
whiteLabel: {
name: “Playnance”,
//logoLight: logo,
//logoDark: logo,
defaultLanguage: “en”,
dark: false, // whether to enable dark mode. defaultValue: false

new TorusWalletConnectorPlugin({
torusWalletOpts: {

            walletInitOptions: {
                buildEnv: "polygon",
                showTorusButton: true,
                whiteLabel: {
                    theme: { isDark: true, colors: { primary: "#123653", background: "#123653", torusBrand1: "#000000" }, },

                    logoDark: logoLight,
                    logoLight: logoLight,
                    featuredBillboardHide: true,
                    disclaimerHide: true,
                    useWalletConnect: false,
                    enableLogging: false

Is there any specific reason you have marked useWalletConnect as false ? Try switching it on and verify.

@maharshi , @pepper , @chai
I don’t see how this setting is related.
According to your docs useWalletConnect is for displaying wallet connect QR.

So how this is connected to our complaint?

Please check your logs and let’s solve it.

This is the error sometimes our users see:

Please assist.

Can we have an answer please??


I would like to be contacted by one of you on Telegram: @rl1982.

Where is your support?

Hey @roman1, what did you mean when you said that you missed the theme object and after adding that it works? Was this for this issue or the infinite loading one?

One more thing, are you @roman1 and @idob from the same team ?

Hi, the theme object solved this issue:

According to the response from /v3/auth/passwordless/start I’ve found that we missed theme object in the initialization so I’ve added it and now it seems to work.

Now we have sometimes issue with the error screen “Invalid login session”.

I talked with Archit from the Web3Auth Discord and he said that it might be related to session timeout if user reload the page after session timed out but this is not the case.

Please help us to debug this issue, check logs on your end.

Yes, we work at the same team.
I’m the CTO of Playnance.

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I am not able to gain any fruitful information over here @roman1. This thread looks like a mess with no comprehendible information. Let’s schedule a call with you or someone from your team to debug this together. I’ll be contacting you on Telegram.

Had this issue solved? i am facing same issue in flutter.

Hi @umair.qsols,

I hope you’re doing well. To ensure we can offer you the best support, could you please start a new thread detailing your issue? Including as much information as possible will help us understand the situation better and provide you with the most accurate assistance.

Given the complexity and variety of problems in your current post, having a focused thread on each issue will allow for clearer communication and more efficient problem-solving.

Thank you so much for your cooperation. I’m looking forward to your new post and helping you resolve your concerns.