Iphone Twitter Login not working

Web3auth social not working in iphone,
Please find configuration below, and attached screenshot, its stuck on this screen

  • SDK Version(package.json):
    @web3auth/base”: “^6.1.3”,
    @web3auth/modal”: “^6.1.3”

Initialising snippet

  const web3auth = new Web3Auth({
      clientId: WEB_3_AUTH_CLIENT_ID,
      chainConfig: {
        chainId: numberToHex(CHAIN_ID),
        chainNamespace: "eip155",
      uiConfig: {
        dark: true,
      web3AuthNetwork: web3AuthNetwork[CHAIN_ID],
    await web3auth.initModal({
      modalConfig: {
        [WALLET_ADAPTERS.OPENLOGIN]: allowedSocialMethods,
    await web3auth.connect();
    const web3Instance = new Web3(web3auth.provider);
    const accounts = await web3Instance.eth.getAccounts();

@puneet Thanks for reaching out.

Which web3AuthNetwork has been confirgured for your Dapp?

Please upgrade to the latest version as you are using outdated packages:

@web3auth/base”: “^7.3.2”,
@web3auth/modal”: “^7.3.2

If you still face issues, please provide the console logs How to debug iOS devices? and share your entire implementation code.

Polygon mainnet - 137

Not the chainconfig, is your dapp on Sapphire_Mainnet, Sapphire_devnet,etc.? Please confirm if you are on Growth plan or higher.

We have both dev and prod environments, so both Sapphire_Mainnet and Sapphire_devnet.
We are on Base plan.

Even after updating the version , its not working.

I got the issue, its because of Popup block, but unware about the solution,
Please check the screenshot

Please refer to this post and setup a redirect instead of popup

When using uxMode “redirect”, after login when it redirects back website, the website page loads again and we are losing the web3instance.
How to get user info, how to make user log in ?
I do get widget_user_auth_token in localstorage after redirect, how to use it?

Please find the code snippet here and the library versions
@web3auth/base”: “^7.3.2”,
@web3auth/modal”: “^7.3.2”,

 const handleSocialLogins = async () => {
    const openloginAdapter = new OpenloginAdapter({
      adapterSettings: {
        clientId: WEB_3_AUTH_CLIENT_ID,
        network: web3AuthNetwork[CHAIN_ID],
        uxMode: "redirect"
      privateKeyProvider: new CommonPrivateKeyProvider({
        config: {
          chainConfig: {
            chainId: numberToHex(CHAIN_ID),
            chainNamespace: "eip155",
            rpcTarget: RPC_URL,

    const web3auth = new Web3Auth({
      clientId: WEB_3_AUTH_CLIENT_ID,
      chainConfig: {
        chainId: numberToHex(CHAIN_ID),
        chainNamespace: "eip155",
      uiConfig: {
        dark: true,
      web3AuthNetwork: web3AuthNetwork[CHAIN_ID],


    await web3auth.initModal({
      modalConfig: {
        [WALLET_ADAPTERS.OPENLOGIN]: allowedSocialMethods,
    if (web3auth.connected) {
      // setLoggedIn(true);
      const idToken = await web3auth.authenticateUser();
      console.log(idToken, "idtoken");
    } else {
      await web3auth.connect();
    const web3Instance = new Web3(web3auth.provider);
    const accounts = await web3Instance.eth.getAccounts();

@puneet I have forwarded your feedback to our team to review and get back with further updates. Please avoid creating duplicate threads for the same issue . Please track this issue on this thread. Thanks!