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Server-Side Verification

Web3Auth's server-side verification feature enables developers to securely authenticate users on the backend by validating the ownership of a wallet address. This process involves the use of a JSON Web Token (JWT) issued upon user authentication, which contains claims about the end user, including proof of ownership over a wallet public address.

Upon a user's successful connection of their wallet, Web3Auth generates a JWT, signed with a private key using the RS256 algorithm, that is unique to your application. This token serves as a verifiable credential that you can use to authenticate the user on your backend.

Implementing Server-Side Verification

To implement server-side verification with Web3Auth:

  1. Retrieve the JWT (idToken): After a user authenticates, capture the idToken issued by Web3Auth.
  2. Verify the JWT: Use the public key provided by Web3Auth to verify the JWT's authenticity. This step confirms that the token is valid and the information it contains about the user can be trusted.
  3. Authenticate the User: Based on the verified claims within the JWT, including wallet address ownership, authenticate the user in your backend system.

Getting the JWT ID Token

After a user is logged in using one of the supported Wallets, One can obtain the idToken by calling the authenticateUser function of Web3Auth.

await web3auth.authenticateUser();


"idToken": "<jwtToken issued by Web3Auth>"
Extending Beyond Social Logins

Web3Auth's server-side verification extends not only to users authenticated via the provided social logins, but also to those using external wallets. This flexibility ensures that dApps can authenticate Web3Auth users in their backend systems, regardless of the authentication method used on the frontend.

For Web3Auth integrated wallet adapters and social logins, the flow is built into the SDKs, for external wallets, please use the Sign in With Web3 library built by us to get the idToken and verify it on your backend.

Sample ID Token payload


The External Wallet's idToken payload is different than the Social login's idToken. During Social logins, we get the user's pub key, and in external wallet we get their address.

"iat": 1655835494,
"aud": "BCtbnOamqh0cJFEUYA0NB5YkvBECZ3HLZsKfvSRBvew2EiiKW3UxpyQASSR0artjQkiUOCHeZ_ZeygXpYpxZjOs",
"iss": "",
"email": "",
"name": "John Doe",
"profileImage": "",
"verifier": "torus",
"verifierId": "",
"aggregateVerifier": "tkey-google-lrc",
"exp": 1655921894,
"wallets": [
"public_key": "035143318b83eb5d31611f8c03582ab1200494f66f5e11a67c34f5581f48c1b70b",
"type": "web3auth_key",
"curve": "secp256k1"
iatnumberThe "iat" (issued at) claim identifies the time at which the JWT was issued.
audstringThe "aud" (audience) claim identifies the recipients that the JWT is intended for. (Here, it's the dapp client_id)
issstringThe "iss" (issuer) claim identifies who issued the JWT. (Here, it's Web3Auth
emailstringThe email address of the user (optional)
namestringThe name of the user (optional)
profileImagestringThe profile image of the user (optional)
verifierstringWeb3auth's verifier used while user login
verifierIdstringUnique user id given by OAuth login provider
aggregateVerifierstringName of the verifier if you are using a single id verifier (aggregateVerifier) (optional)
expnumberThe "exp" (expiration time) claim identifies the expiration time on or after which the JWT MUST NOT be accepted for processing.
walletsarraylist of wallets for which this token is issued:
  • curve "secp256k1" (default) or "ed25519"
    You can specify which curve you want use for the encoded public key in the login parameters
  • type "web3auth_key" incase of social logins
  • public_key compressed public key derived based on the specified curve

Changing the Public Key Curve


By default, Web3Auth returns an idToken which contains the public_key in the secp256k1 form.

If you want to encode the public_key in ed25519 format then you have to pass the curve parameter in OpenloginAdapter as:

const openloginAdapter = new OpenloginAdapter({
loginSettings: {
curve: "ed25519", // allowed values "secp256k1" (default) or "ed25519"

Utilizing the JWT for Verification

  • JWT Validation: The associated public key, available on a hosted website provided by Web3Auth, allows you to verify the token's authenticity and integrity. A JWT that can be successfully verified with this public key confirms that the information it contains is trustworthy and has not been altered.
  • Proof of Wallet Ownership: The JWT includes a claim that certifies the user's ownership of a specific wallet's public address, enabling a reliable method of user authentication on the server side.
JWKS endpoint

Please note, the JWKS endpoint for External wallets is different from Social logins.

  • JWKS Endpoint for External Wallets:

  • JWKS Endpoint for Social Logins:

Social Login Verification

In order to verify the JWT Token(idToken) you need the compressed app_pub_key (derived from app_scoped_privkey) and the idToken obtained from the authenticateUser function.

  • App scoped wallet will be obtained from the front-end once the user is logged in.
  • Public Key derivation depends on the curve (refer to the code snippets above).

Getting app_pub_key and idToken in Frontend

// Incase of ed25519 curve, get the app_pub_key
import { getED25519Key } from "@toruslabs/openlogin-ed25519";
const app_scoped_privkey = await web3auth.provider?.request({
method: "solanaPrivateKey",
const ed25519Key = getED25519Key(Buffer.from(app_scoped_privkey.padStart(64, "0"), "hex"));
const app_pub_key ="hex");

// Incase of secp256k1 curve, get the app_pub_key
import { getPublicCompressed } from "@toruslabs/eccrypto";
const app_scoped_privkey = await web3auth.provider?.request({
method: "eth_private_key", // use "private_key" for other non-evm chains
const app_pub_key = getPublicCompressed(
Buffer.from(app_scoped_privkey.padStart(64, "0"), "hex"),

/* Assuming user is logged in, get the userInfo containtaing idToken */
const user = await web3auth.getUserInfo();

const token = await web3auth.authenticateUser();

// Verify idToken at your backend server
const res = await fetch("/api/verify", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Authorization: "Bearer " + user.idToken, // or token.idToken
body: JSON.stringify({ appPubKey: app_pub_key }),

Verifying idToken in Backend

JWKS endpoint

Please note, the JWKS endpoint for External wallets is different from Social logins.

  • JWKS Endpoint for External Wallets:

  • JWKS Endpoint for Social Logins:

// JWT verification using JWKS

import * as jose from "jose"

// passed from the frontend in the Authorization header
const idToken = req.headers.authorization?.split(' ')[1];

// passed from the frontend in the request body
const app_pub_key = req.body.appPubKey;

// Get the JWK set used to sign the JWT issued by Web3Auth
const jwks = jose.createRemoteJWKSet(new URL("")); // for social logins

// Verify the JWT using Web3Auth's JWKS
const jwtDecoded = await jose.jwtVerify(idToken, jwks, { algorithms: ["ES256"] });

// Checking `app_pub_key` against the decoded JWT wallet's public_key
if ((jwtDecoded.payload as any).wallets[0].public_key.toLowerCase() === app_pub_key.toLowerCase()) {
// Verified
res.status(200).json({name: 'Verification Successful'})
} else {
res.status(400).json({name: 'Verification Failed'})

External Wallet Verification

In order to verify the JWT Token(idToken) you need the wallet's address and the idToken obtained from the authenticateUser().

Getting address and idToken in Frontend

// Get user's Ethereum public address
const address = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0];
// Get user's Solana public address
const address = await solanaWallet.requestAccounts();

// For other chains, please refer to

/* Assuming user is logged in, get the token containtaing idToken */
const token = await web3auth.authenticateUser();

// Verify idToken at your backend server
const res = await fetch("/api/verify", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Authorization: "Bearer " + token.idToken,
body: JSON.stringify({ public_address: address }),

Verifying idToken in Backend

JWKS endpoint

Please note, the JWKS endpoint for External wallets are different from Social logins.

  • JWKS Endpoint:
import * as jose from "jose"

// passed from the frontend in the Authorization header
const idToken = req.headers.authorization?.split(' ')[1];

// passed from the frontend in the request body
const publicAddress = req.body.public_address;

// Get the JWK set used to sign the JWT issued by Web3Auth
const jwks = jose.createRemoteJWKSet(new URL(""));

// Verify the JWT using Web3Auth's JWKS
const jwtDecoded = await jose.jwtVerify(idToken, jwks, { algorithms: ["ES256"] });

// Incase of Non-Torus Users
// Checking Wallet's `publicAddress` against the decoded JWT wallet's address
if ((jwtDecoded.payload as any).wallets[0].address.toLowerCase() === publicAddress.toLowerCase()) {
// Verified
res.status(200).json({name: 'Verification Successful'})
} else {
res.status(400).json({name: 'Verification Failed'})