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SFA iOS SDK - v8 to v9

This migration guide provides steps for upgrading from version v8 to v9 of the SFA iOS SDK. The guide outlines significant changes and enhancements.

Breaking Changes

Web3AuthNetwork Changes

In v9, we have removed the nested enum and refactored the Web3AuthNetwork. Please checkout the table below for the changes.

Old ValueNew Value

SFAParams Changes

In v9, we try to improve the developer experience by renaming the SFAParams to Web3AuthOptions. It has been renamed to align with naming conventions across Web3Auth SDKs. Along with this, we have renamed couple of constructor parameters.

  • web3AuthClientId is renamed to clientId.
  • network is renamed to web3AuthNetwork.

Checkout Web3AuthOptions for available parameters.

let singleFactorAuthArgs = SFAParams(
web3AuthClientId: "YOUR_WEB3AUTH_CLIENT_ID",
network: .sapphire(.SAPPHIRE_MAINNET)

let web3AuthOptions = Web3AuthOptions(
web3AuthNetwork: .SAPPHIRE_MAINNET

let singleFactoreAuth = SingleFactorAuth(
params: SFAParams
params: web3AuthOptions

SFAKey is replaced with SessionData

In v9, we removed the SFAKey and added the SessionData object to return the relveant session information like private key, address, user information, and signatures.

let sfaKey: SFAKey = try await singleFactoreAuth.connect(loginParams: loginParams)
let sessionData: SessionData = try await singleFactoreAuth.connect(loginParams: loginParams)

getTorusKey method is now private

The getTorusKey method is now private and can no longer be accessible. You can use the connect method to login user.

let loginParams = LoginParams(
verifierId: "VERIFIER_ID",
idToken: "ID_TOKEN"

let torusKey: TorusSFAKey = try await singleFactoreAuth.getTorusKey(loginParams: loginParams)
let sessionData: SessionData = try await singleFactoreAuth.connect(loginParams: loginParams)

initialize method changes

Starting v9, the initialize method will not return any value. To check whether the user already has an existing session, please use the getSessionData method. The getSessionData method will return nil if the user does not have an existing session.

let sfaKey: SFAKey = try await singleFactoreAuth.initialize()
try await singleFactoreAuth.initialize()

let sessionData = singleFactoreAuth.getSessionData()
if sessionData == nil {
// User does not have an existing session

Additional Features

Apart from the breaking changes, we have added couple of new functions in v9 to improve the developer experience.

logout Method

The logout method is added to the SDK to log out the user and clear the session data. Please note, that this method only logout the user and invalides the Web3Auth session, and not the OAuth provider session.

try await singleFactoreAuth.logout()

getSessionData Method

The getSessionData method is added to the SDK to get the session data. You can use this method to retrive the session data for an existing session. The method will return nil if the user does not have an existing session.


let sessionData = singleFactoreAuth.getSessionData()

if sessionData == nil {
// User does not have an existing session


The SessionData has the following four functions to retrive the relevant session information.

Function NameDescription
getPrivateKeyRetrieves the user's private key.
getPublicAddressRetrieves the user's public address.
getUserInfoRetrieves the user's information like email, name, verifier id, and more.
getSignaturesRetrieves the node's signatures that are returned for request.

connected Method

The connected method can be used to check whether the user is logged in Web3Auth or not. Please note, you should call this method after the initialize method if you want to check the user's connection status for an existing session.

let isConnected = singleFactoreAuth.connected()