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Web3Auth MPC Core Kit JS SDK

Web3Auth's @web3auth/mpc-core-kit SDK is simple and easy-to-use SDK, that helps you implement Web3Auth's MPC features while giving you the flexibility to customize the UI and UX of the authentication process.



  • Basic knowledge of JavaScipt
  • This is a frontend SDK and can only run in a browser environment.

React Native

  • React Native Release 0.71 and above (for Bare React Native Workflow)
  • iOS Platform Target Version 14 and above
  • Android Target SDK Version 31 and above

The minimum pricing plan to use this SDK in a production environment is the Enterprise Plan. However, you can use this SDK with all features enabled in sapphire_devnet for free.

Web3Auth MPC Infrastructure Components

The Web3Auth infrastructure is designed to ensure the security of user keys. Instead of being stored in a single location, the key is divided into multiple parts and distributed across the user's devices and our Auth Network. This means that the key is always available and never in danger of being compromised.

The traditional Web3Auth SDK uses threshold signatures to dynamically reconstruct the key in the frontend. However, with the new Web3Auth MPC (Multi Party Computation) architecture, this is no longer necessary. Instead, partial keys are stored in different locations, and the user's device is used to make partial signatures for messages and transactions.

These partial signatures are then combined using the TSS (Threshold Signature Scheme) to create a final signature, which can be used to make a transaction on the blockchain. The result is a more secure and user-friendly authentication process that helps to protect against key theft and other types of security breaches.

The Threshold Signature Scheme (TSS) is a cryptographic primitive for distributed key generation and signing. The use of TSS in Web3Auth's Auth Network is a new paradigm that can provide numerous benefits, especially in terms of security.

Web3Auth Wallet Management

As you can notice in this diagram above, the final output, i.e., the User's TSS Account, is generated in multiple stages within the infrastructure. Since this is a TSS- MPC based infrastructure, you don't get back a private key, but signatures that can be used to make transactions on the blockchain. Let's understand each of these stages in detail.


Social Login Factor

This is the primary way for a user to access their account. This step involves authentication using a user's preferred social login provider. The idToken received from the social login provider here is passed to the Web3Auth Auth Network to generate the TSS Shares in the Nodes. By default, these nodes have a threshold of 3/5 that can be customized according to requirements. When a user logs in, the Auth Network generates signatures corresponding to the TSS Shares in the nodes and returns them to the user's end. These signatures are then used alongside other shares to generate the final TSS Account signatures.

Device Factor (index:2)

This is the second factor used to access the user's account. This step involves the generation of a TSS Share on the user's device and using that to generate a final signature for the TSS Account alongside the social login factor. This ensures the user logs in using their trusted device and maintains a proper non-custodial setup.

Backup Factor (index:3)

A user has a choice to generate as many backup factors as needed to access their account. This step involves the generation of a TSS Share on the user's end and storing them in whichever location they prefer. This share can be used similarly to the device share to generate a final signature for the TSS Account alongside the social login and/or device factors.


The threshold is the minimum number of shares required to generate a final signature for the TSS Account. This threshold, by default, is set to 3/5 on the Auth Network and 2/3 for the user's device front. This ensures high availability and ease of access on both ends alongside optimum security. Both these thresholds can be customized according to the requirements.

Components of a Factor

TSS Shares

The TSS Shares are the main component needed for the generation of the final working signature of the user. These shares are generated using distributed key generation and are stored in the Auth Network and the user's device. Since these shares are generated using MPC, they are never reconstructed and always stay decentralized and secure.

However, we have exposed a function to reconstruct the TSS Key from the shares in the SDK. This function has been marked unsafe since there is no direct use case for it other than key exports in the case the user wants to own it completely.

Metadata Key & Shares

The Metadata Key closely mimics the storage of the TSS Shares. The only difference is that the metadata key is always reconstructed and used for its encryption/decryption capabilities. It utilizes basic Shamir's Secret Sharing and is initially generated on a user's front end. The metadata key is utilized for the encryption/decryption of the user metadata stored in the Web3Auth Metadata Server.

One metadata share gives you the read access to the metadata server, while two or more (as the threshold is reached) give you the write access.

Factor Keys

To enable refresh, deletion, and rotational capabilities on the tssKey, we also introduce factorKeys. Factor Keys are randomly generated keys unique to each factor-generated user's device and backups, like users' phones, chrome extensions, on their cloud, assisting third parties, etc.

As share to the TSS Key and/or Metadata Key may rotate, Factor Keys allow a consistent secret to be saved in these different locations.

Understanding the MPC Core Kit SDK Flow

By default, for a new user, the MPC Core Kit SDK starts in a 2/2 flow. This means that the user will have to generate a social login factor and a hashed cloud factor. This hashed cloud factor is derived on the SDK front end and stored in the encrypted metadata server. This enables the user to start the login process from any device without creating an MFA factor.

This is done to make sure the user can access their account from any device without having to generate a new factor. However, this makes the initial onboarding, semi-custodial. To make the onboarding completely non-custodial, the user can use the enableMfa feature to generate a device and backup factor and delete the hashed cloud factor. This makes the user's account completely non-custodial in 2/3 setup and enables them to access their account from any device using the backup share. Device share is saved on a trusted device and can be used to access the account from that device seamlessly without having to generate a new factor.


  • Quick Start: Get Started with an easy to follow integration of Web3Auth

  • Example Applications: Explore our example applications and try the SDK yourself.

  • Troubleshooting: Find quick solutions to common issues faced by developers.

  • Source Code: Web3Auth is open sourced. You can find the source code on our GitHub repository.

  • Community Support Portal: Join our community to get support from our team and other developers.

Helper SDKs

Common Types and Interfaces


This package gives access to common types and interfaces for Web3Auth. This comes in handy by providing you with a standard way of importing the values you need to work with the SDKs. We highly recommend using it while working with Typescript.

MPC Providers


The @web3auth/ethereum-mpc-provider is a Web3Auth provider that simplifies interaction with the EIP1193 based EVM blockchains. It is used to interact with the EVM blockchain and perform various operations like getting user's account, balance, signing a transaction, sending a transaction etc.