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Usage of MPC Core Kit JS SDK

Once you've installed and successfully initialized Web3AuthMPCCoreKit, you can use it to authenticate your users. Further, you can use the native provider given by Web3Auth to sign transactions and interact with the blockchain.

Natively, the instance of Web3AuthMPCCoreKit (referred to as coreKitInstance in our examples) returns the following functions:

Authentication Functions:

  • loginWithOAuth() - Logs in the user using OAuth Flow.
  • loginWithJWT() - Logs in the user with a JWT-based ID Token.
  • handleRedirectResult() - Handles the redirect result from the OAuth Flow.
  • inputFactorKey() - Inputs the Factor Key to recover the User's account in case they don't have enough factors.
  • logout() - Logs out the User.
Get help with Authentication

Check out the Authentication section of the SDK Reference to learn more about these functions.

Manual Sync Function:

  • commitChanges() - Commits the changes made to the User's account while in manual sync mode.

    To use this function, you'll need to configure the manual sync in the initialization step.

Prefer using Manual Sync Mode

We recommend using the Manual Sync Mode to handle the factors and keys of the User's account. This enables you to have a fined grained control over the API calls made to the metadata server from the SDK.

This is especially useful when you want to handle the factors and keys of the User's account in a more controlled manner, enabling a much faster and safer experience for the User.

During manual sync mode, you need to call the commitChanges() function to sync the local metadata to the web3auth metadata server. This helps you to keep the User's account in sync with the metadata server, after they have successfully configured everything in the local.

Factor Handling Functions:

account, present in the state of the SDK.

  • enableMFA() - Enable MFA for the user. Deletes the Hashed Factor and generates a new Factor Key.
  • createFactor() - Creates a new Factor for the User's account to increase the factors of your account. It can be of type Device(index:2) or Recovery(index:3).
  • deleteFactor() - Deletes a Factor from the User's account.
  • getCurrentFactorKey() - Returns the current Factor Key of the User's

You shouldn't create too many factors, we recommend a maximum of 10 factors.

User & Wallet Account Functions:

Additional Helper Functions:

Authentication Functions

Login with OAuth

Login with JWT

Handle Redirect Result

  • handleRedirectResult() - Handles the redirect result from the OAuth Flow.

Input Factor Key

inputFactorKey(factorKey: BN): Promise<void>;

Inputs the Factor Key into the SDK. This function is used to recover the User's account using the Factor Key. If the factor key is correct, the SDK initializes the User's account and logs them in.

If you want to change the factor key in the current state of the SDK, you can use this function.


const factorKey = new BN(backupFactorKey, "hex");
await coreKitInstance.inputFactorKey(factorKey);


logout(): Promise<void>;

Logs out the User from the application and clears the local storage.

Manual Sync Function

Commit Changes

commitChanges(): Promise<void>;

Syncs the local metadata with the web3auth metadata server. This function is only to be used while in manual sync mode.


await coreKitInstance?.commitChanges();

Factor Handling Functions

Enable MFA

enableMFA(enableMFAParams: EnableMFAParams): Promise<string>;

Enables MFA for the user. It creates a device factor and stores it in the local storage. It also creates a backup factor and returns it to the user. You can also pass a factor key that can be used for the backup factor. If you don't pass a factor key, a new factor key will be generated.

Most importantly, this function deletes the Hashed Factor Key enabling a non-custodial flow.


export interface EnableMFAParams {
* A BN used for encrypting your Device/ Recovery TSS Key Share. You can generate it using `generateFactorKey()` function or use an existing one.
factorKey?: BN;
* Setting the Description of Share - Security Questions, Device Share, Seed Phrase, Password Share, Social Share, Other. Default is Other.
shareDescription?: FactorKeyTypeShareDescription;
* Additional metadata information you want to be stored alongside this factor for easy identification.
additionalMetadata?: Record<string, string>;
export enum FactorKeyTypeShareDescription {
HashedShare = "hashedShare",
SecurityQuestions = "tssSecurityQuestions",
DeviceShare = "deviceShare",
SeedPhrase = "seedPhrase",
PasswordShare = "passwordShare",
SocialShare = "socialShare",
Other = "Other",


const factorKey = await coreKitInstance.enableMFA({});
const factorKeyMnemonic = keyToMnemonic(factorKey);

"MFA enabled, device factor stored in local store, deleted hashed cloud key, your backup factor key: ",

Create Factor

A low-level function, helps you to create a backup factor key based on the type of TSS Share you want to create. You can pass your own factor key or let the SDK generate one for you.


export interface CreateFactorParams extends EnableMFAParams {
* Setting the Type of Share - Device or Recovery.
shareType: TssShareType;

export enum TssShareType {

export interface EnableMFAParams {
* A BN used for encrypting your Device/ Recovery TSS Key Share. You can generate it using `generateFactorKey()` function or use an existing one.
factorKey?: BN;
* Setting the Description of Share - Security Questions, Device Share, Seed Phrase, Password Share, Social Share, Other. Default is Other.
shareDescription?: FactorKeyTypeShareDescription;
* Additional metadata information you want to be stored alongside this factor for easy identification.
additionalMetadata?: Record<string, string>;

export enum FactorKeyTypeShareDescription {
HashedShare = "hashedShare",
SecurityQuestions = "tssSecurityQuestions",
DeviceShare = "deviceShare",
SeedPhrase = "seedPhrase",
PasswordShare = "passwordShare",
SocialShare = "socialShare",
Other = "Other",


const factorKey = generateFactorKey();
await coreKitInstance.createFactor({
shareType: exportTssShareType,
factorKey: factorKey.private,

Delete Factor

deleteFactor(factorPub: TkeyPoint): Promise<void>;

Deletes the Factor, respective to the factorPub provided for the User's account. You can get the factor Pubs by using the getKeyDetails() function.

It will throw an error if you try to delete the factor that is currently active within the state of the SDK. Use the inputFactorKey() function to change the factor key in the current state of the SDK to be able to delete that factor.


const pubBuffer = Buffer.from(factorPubToDelete, "hex");
const pub = Point.fromBufferSEC1(pubBuffer);
await coreKitInstance.deleteFactor(pub.toTkeyPoint());

Get Current Factor Key

getCurrentFactorKey(): IFactorKey;

Returns the current factor key in usage within the state of the SDK.


const factorKey = coreKitInstance.getCurrentFactorKey();

User & Wallet Account Functions

Set TSS Wallet Index

setTssWalletIndex(accountIndex: number): void;

Sets the TSS Wallet Index for the User's account. This function can be used to deterministically derive different wallet addresses by using account indexes. Using this function you can add multi-address account support to your application.


As an application, you need to persist this account index in the application state.

You can either choose to persist the account index temporarily using the state variable or use a more permanent storage like localStorage. Whenever you add, delete or update a share, you need to set the account index again.


await coreKitInstance.setTssWalletIndex(index);

Get Public Sync


This function returns the final public key of the user in a synchronous call.


When you use the setTssWalletIndex() function to establish your account index, a unique public key is generated! Remember that each account index you set will result in a different public key.


await coreKitInstance.getPublicSync();

Get User Info

getUserInfo(): UserInfo;

Gives you the User's information received from the ID Token.


export type UserInfo = TorusVerifierResponse & LoginWindowResponse;
export interface TorusVerifierResponse {
email: string;
name: string;
profileImage: string;
aggregateVerifier?: string;
verifier: string;
verifierId: string;
typeOfLogin: LOGIN_TYPE;
ref?: string;
registerOnly?: boolean;
extraVerifierParams?: WebAuthnExtraParams;
export interface LoginWindowResponse {
accessToken: string;
idToken?: string;
ref?: string;
extraParams?: string;
extraParamsPassed?: string;
state: TorusGenericObject;


const user = coreKitInstance?.getUserInfo();

Get Key Details

getKeyDetails(): MPCKeyDetails;

Gives you the details of the keys and factors held by the User's account.


export type MPCKeyDetails = {
metadataPubKey: TkeyPoint;
threshold: number;
requiredFactors: number;
totalFactors: number;
shareDescriptions: ShareDescriptionMap;
tssPubKey?: TkeyPoint;
export type ShareDescriptionMap = {
[shareIndexStr: string]: string[];


const keyDetails = coreKitInstance?.getKeyDetails();

Additional Helper Functions

Web Storage Helper Functions

Store Web Browser Factor

storeWebBrowserFactor(factorKey: BN, mpcCoreKit: ICoreKit, storageKey: "local" | "session" = "local"): Promise<void>

Helps you store a web browser factor in the local/ session storage.


import bowser from "bowser";
import { storeWebBrowserFactor } from "@web3auth/mpc-core-kit";

const browserInfo = bowser.parse(navigator.userAgent);
const browserName = `${}`;
const browserData = {
browserVersion: browserInfo.browser.version,
const deviceFactorKey = new BN(
await coreKitInstance.createFactor({
shareType: TssShareType.DEVICE,
additionalMetadata: browserData,
storeWebBrowserFactor(deviceFactorKey, coreKitInstance);

Get Web Browser Factor

getWebBrowserFactor(mpcCoreKit: ICoreKit, storageKey: "local" | "session" = "local")

Get the web browser factor from the local/ session storage.


import { getWebBrowserFactor } from "@web3auth/mpc-core-kit";

const factorKey = await getWebBrowserFactor(coreKitInstance!);

Security Question

Set Security Question

setSecurityQuestion(params: setSecurityQuestionParams): Promise<string>;


export interface setSecurityQuestionParams {
mpcCoreKit: Web3AuthMPCCoreKit;
question: string;
answer: string;
shareType?: TssShareType;
description?: Record<string, string>;
tssIndex?: TssShareType;
export enum TssShareType {

Creates a security question share for your to easily recover user's account.


import { TssSecurityQuestion } from "@web3auth/mpc-core-kit";

const securityQuestion: TssSecurityQuestion = new TssSecurityQuestion();

await securityQuestion.setSecurityQuestion({
mpcCoreKit: coreKitInstance,
shareType: TssShareType.RECOVERY,

Change Security Question

changeSecurityQuestion(params: changeSecurityQuestionParams): Promise<void>;


export interface changeSecurityQuestionParams {
mpcCoreKit: Web3AuthMPCCoreKit;
newQuestion: string;
newAnswer: string;
answer: string;

Changes the Security Question Share of the User's account. This helps you change the password if the user has lost it somehow. However, this function can only be used if the user has already logged in within the application while meeting the minimum share threshold.


import { TssSecurityQuestion } from "@web3auth/mpc-core-kit";

const securityQuestion: TssSecurityQuestion = new TssSecurityQuestion();

await securityQuestion.changeSecurityQuestion({
mpcCoreKit: coreKitInstance,

Delete Security Question Share

deleteSecurityQuestion(mpcCoreKit: Web3AuthMPCCoreKit, deleteFactorKey?: boolean): Promise<void>;

Deletes the Security Question Share of the User's account. This function can only be used if the user has already logged in within the application while meeting the minimum share threshold.


import { TssSecurityQuestion } from "@web3auth/mpc-core-kit";

const securityQuestion: TssSecurityQuestion = new TssSecurityQuestion();

await securityQuestion.deleteSecurityQuestion(coreKitInstance);

Get Factor Key from Security Question

recoverFactor(mpcCoreKit: Web3AuthMPCCoreKit, answer: string): Promise<string>

Returns the Factor Key stored against the security question share.


import { TssSecurityQuestion } from "@web3auth/mpc-core-kit";

const securityQuestion: TssSecurityQuestion = new TssSecurityQuestion();

const factorKey = await securityQuestion.recoverFactor(coreKitInstance, answer);

Get Security Question for User's Account

getQuestion(mpcCoreKit: Web3AuthMPCCoreKit): string;

Get the security question for the user's account.


const question = securityQuestion.getQuestion(coreKitInstance!);

Mnemonic Conversations

Mnemonic to Key

mnemonicToKey(shareMnemonic: string): string

Converts a Mnemonic to a BN.

const factorKeyBN = keyToMnemonic(factorKeyMnemonic);

Key to Mnemonic

keyToMnemonic(shareHex: string): string

Converts a factor key hex string to a Mnemonic.


const factorKeyMnemonic = keyToMnemonic(factorKeyHex);