403 during bulk_set_stream call and unable to login

When asking for help in this category, please make sure to provide the following details:


Also, kindly provide the Web3Auth initialization and login code snippet below. This will help us better understand your issue and provide you with the necessary assistance.

      await (this.tKey.modules.securityQuestions).inputShareFromSecurityQuestions(answer);
      await this.storePostboxAndGetPvtKey();
      const newShare = await this.tKey.generateNewShare();
      const shareStore = this.tKey.outputShareStore(newShare.newShareIndex);
      await (this.tKey.modules.webStorage).storeDeviceShare(shareStore);

@web3auth-team Please help us on this issue, many of our clients are unable to login

Please try remove the newShare generation ( do not store to device )
It is possible that you have created too much shares.

For suggested implementation,
Only generate new share on request/demand. (eg, backup share, or button to add device share)

  • try limit the total shares to less that 10. you can also delete the old device share that is not in used.

Thanks a lot @cherngwoei , we will test with the aforementioned solution and get back to you

Thanks a lot, this solution worked for us @cherngwoei. We are limiting the shares to 3

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