504 Error from sapphire dev net HTTP requests

Hello. I’ve created an Auth0 passwordless verifier on sapphire_devnet. According to my dashboard there are 4 logins and 4 wallets. However, in my web app I have not gotten a successful response from the trigger login function. Screenshot attached of errors I see in the network tab of the dev console

Still getting these. Whats up ?

where are you based, we’re seeing degredation in asia and US right now. Europe and south america are working

feel free to just deploy to sapphire mainnet - its much more robust as we’re not playing with the configs there

Based in the US. Will try mainnet.

We’re receiving 504’s as well on single-factor-auth package, we’ve been trying for a week now, none of the sapphire networks function

@otis @s11 This should be resolved by now. Are you still facing any such issues?