A small number of our users were unable to log in with twitter authentication in our App

When asking for help in this category, please make sure to provide the following details:

  • SDK Version: 3.7.2
    @web3auth/base-provider@^7.3.2”: version “7.3.2”
    @web3auth/base@^7.3.1”, “@web3auth/base@^7.3.2”: version “7.3.2”
    @web3auth/no-modal@^7.3.1”: version “7.3.2”
    @web3auth/openlogin-adapter@^7.3.1”: version “7.3.2”
    @web3auth/solana-provider@^7.3.1”: version “7.3.2”

  • Platform: Web App

  • Browser Console Screenshots:
    twitter handel of this user: @jimmynakapie

Our app URL: https://app.aphone.com

Hey @anders I tried the app you shared, and I was not able to reproduce the issue. It can also be Twitter Intermittent issue. I also see the SDK versions you are using are older, you should also update to the latest version as auth layer has been improved in terms of speed as well in new updates.

It works for most users, so I provide a user case : twitter handel of the user @jimmynakapie

It looks like an issue from Twitter side, I tried reproducing but I’m not able to, and as you said it’s specific to user. If the issue still persists, please try to upgrade the SDKs to latest version.

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