Access blocked error issue with google login verifier

I am trying to create a simple create-react-app with the tkey-web sample at GitHub - tkey/tkey-examples: Contains the examples of various implementations of tKey MPC SDks . I am able to use the code from here and run it on my local machine , so the user can login with google and a private key is generated for him. But when i deploy it on netlify and try to do the same i get this error . How do i fix it ?

hi @abhishek.sagu

Thanks for contacting us. Please double check the redirect url you are using in the google dashboard config.

Please follow this tutorial → Using Google with Web3Auth SFA Web | Web3Auth

Hi @TomTom , I tried this and still facing the same issue . I get the same thing. It works on my local machine but fails when i deploy on netlify.

@abhishek.sagu can you make sure the netlify URL is whitelisted in the authorized javascript origins, and authorized redirect uri?

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