Account export to other wallets using a seed phrase

I Wanted ideas around account export to other wallets, lets say Metamask.
How can I allow users to export account to other wallets like Metamask and Trust wallet?

Two Idea which is coming to my mind is:

  1. Display the users private key.
  2. Display a seed phrase for the private key(But it seems , it is not possible)

Is it possible to get a seed phrase which users can use to export accounts to other apps?

Could you have a look, please? @TomTom @vjgee

Hey @danil.makarenko,

I really hope everything’s going well on your end! Here’s a bit of information that might help you with what you’re working on:

  1. I’ve got some examples that could be just what you need. Check them out here: I think they’ll give you a good insight into how things work.
  2. Regarding your question about PnP, unfortunately, that’s not possible. However, you can achieve it using Core-Kit.
  3. And for exporting an account using a seed phrase, TKey is the tool for you. For a deep dive into how it works, our documentation has got you covered. Check it out here: Seed Phrase Module - tKey JS SDK | Documentation | Web3Auth.

Let me know if you need any more help

Hey, @TomTom!
Thanks for your reply!
We are considering using tKey Android & iKey iOS SDKs.
According to your docs there is a method getPhrases() and the following description
This function returns an array of seedPhraseStruct objects, which contain the seed phrases and their type for the given ThresholdKey.

I’m just not sure why the method returns multiple seed phrases.
Could you please confirm that at least one of these seed phrases will be valid for exporting an account to Metamask/Trust wallet/…?

Additionally, could you please confirm whether we can start with PnP and then move to the Core Kit tKey SDK?
So for now we won’t display seed phrases as it’s not possible using PnP, but we want to later iterate on it and add this functionality using TKey from the Core Kit SDK.
Will it be possible?

hi @danil.makarenko

No problem. I’m here to assist to you.

Yes. I recommend you to check our QuickStart demo. Where you can check the address and export the mnemonic. Also you can double check importing it to metamask.

important info →

If you’re looking to use Core Kit SDKs in the future, planning the use Plug and Play SDKs right now, make sure:
You’re using Custom Authentication with your own login verifiers.
Set the useCoreKitKey flag to true

Please contact me if you have any other question