Adding Hardware - Ledger & Trezor support for Web3auth


Could you please add hardware wallet support for Solana, specifically Ledger and Trezor? Currently, the alternative method of connecting your Ledger via Phantom or Solflare and accessing it through web3auth is not functioning properly since offline SignMessage is not supported yet, and there is also uncertainty about when the Solana team will release an update to address this issue. It would be greatly appreciated if hardware wallet support for Ledger and Trezor could be implemented directly/natively.

P.S: There was a user who created a thread (on Feature Request) saying that the alternative method is working/or will be working soon. This is not correct. I had a recent talk with a phantom dev, who is also responsible for the ledger integration and he told me that there is no timeframe when Solana will update the offline SignMessage for 3rd party wallets. It might take much longer (> months)…