Can or How to add two github login for auth0 login provider for custom-authentification. I want to add into OpenloginAdapter
loginConfig: {
auth0github: {
verifier: "ANKIT1", // Pass the Verifier name here. eg. w3a-agg-example
verifierSubIdentifier: "auth0-github", // Pass the Sub-Verifier here. eg w3a-a0-github
typeOfLogin: "jwt", // Pass the type of login provider. For Auth0, it's jwt and not Auth0.
clientId: "PASS THE ID HERE", // Pass the Auth0 `Client ID` here.
secondauth0github: {
verifier: "ANKIT1", // Pass the Verifier name here. eg. w3a-agg-example
verifierSubIdentifier: "auth0-github", // Pass the Sub-Verifier here. eg w3a-a0-github
typeOfLogin: "jwt", // Pass the type of login provider. For Auth0, it's jwt and not Auth0.
clientId: "PASS THE 2nd ID HERE", // Pass the Auth0 `Client ID` here.
With secondauth0github or same name will not work. How to add two github ?