Aggregated verifier for Discord

Is it possible to setup aggregated verifier for google, mail, github, discord, twitter to get a similar private key? We successfully set it up for everything except discord. Looks like it is not possible to add discord option to such kind of aggregated verifier. Any suggestions please?

Hey @everdues2

Yes, it can be possible with Auth0. Have you tried that? Just make sure to select the [ ] Email checkbox.

Note: Aggregation only works when there’s a common field in them, e.g. email.

Hey @shahbaz
yes, I have successfully added sub-verifiers Google and GitHub with Auth0. However, I am currently facing an issue where the Discord option is not available in the Auth0 Application Type list. It appears that the Discord option disappeared after I added sub-verifiers (Google and GitHub).Do you have any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?

Hey @everdues2

Please select Custom from the Authentication Type list.

Hey @everdues2

Any update on this? Did you manage to get this working?

Hi @shahbaz
Yes, it seems to work, thank you! but an additional step has appeared, it opens an Auth0 authorization window, and I need to choose Discord from there to get it to work. Is it expected?

and one more question → I have no option to Update my Aggregate verifier in UI, only “Show Details”, How can I solve this?

Hey @everdues2

Use connection: "discord" in the extraLoginOptions:

   const web3authProvider = await web3auth.connectTo(
        loginProvider: "auth0discord",
        extraLoginOptions: {
          domain: "",
          // This corresponds to the field inside jwt, which must be used to uniquely identify the user.
          verifierIdField: "email",
          isVerifierIdCaseSensitive: false,
          connection: "discord", // <--- Use this to skip Auth0 Modal.

How to Update Aggregate Verifier on Web3Auth Dashboard - Watch Video

Thank you! Discord is working well!

Regarding the Update Aggregate Verifier:
I have no option “Update verifier” only “Show Details”

Currently, it’s only possible to make changes to the mainnet verifiers.

ok, so just to clarify, It is not possible to add a Discord sub-verifier to my existing Aggregate Verifier. To include a Discord sub-verifier in my Aggregate Verifier, I need to create a new Aggregate Verifier that contains the Discord sub-verifier along with any other sub-verifiers I want to include. is it correct?