Android App social login redirection Bug

Summary: In our android app created using Capacitor by converting our react web app, social login behaviour is not as expected.

Steps to Reproduce:
Open the mobile app.
Click on login icon (in our app its a wallet icon)
Select social login
Click on continue with google (it will take you to browser tab)
Select the account to login and click continue

Expected behaviour: Upon successful login, the user should be automatically redirected back to the Android app, and the browser tab
should be closed seamlessly.

Actual Behaviour: After logging in, the user becomes trapped in the browser tab and isn’t automatically redirected back to the Android
app. However, if they manually navigate back to the app, they will find themselves logged in.

Screenshots/Recordings: Please find a recorded video link to understand issue properly.

Mobile Device: Android device

Library used for social login
@web3auth/base”: “^7.3.2”,
@web3auth/modal”: “^7.3.2”

const web3auth = new Web3Auth({
      clientId: WEB_3_AUTH_CLIENT_ID,
      chainConfig: {
        chainId: numberToHex(CHAIN_ID),
        chainNamespace: "eip155",
      uiConfig: {
        dark: true,
      web3AuthNetwork: web3AuthNetwork[CHAIN_ID],
    await web3auth.initModal({
      modalConfig: {
        [WALLET_ADAPTERS.OPENLOGIN]: allowedSocialMethods,
    await web3auth.connect();
    const web3Instance = new Web3(web3auth.provider);
    const accounts = await web3Instance.eth.getAccounts();

Have you resolved this problems? i got same issue too

I’m getting this issue on android react native… Any resolution…?

Hey @puneet, sorry for the delays. Did you add the deep-linking for the Android? Can you the code snippet for the deep-linking configuration? Also, we haven’t tested out converting web app to mobile app using capacitor. We would suggest to use React-native or any other mobile SDKs for the creating mobile apps. We have SDKs for Android, iOS, React-Native and Flutter which are well documented and tested., I have replied to your Flutter issue, please check it out.

Hey, can you please create a new post for Android react native with the initialisation snippet, and deep-linking configuration? This issue is regarding using capacitor and creating a new issue will help us keep track of issues of different framework and help you better. I would also suggest to verify the deep-linking once for android. Please check out the docs for Android React-native configuration.