Apple auth resolves to different user

Im trying to setup login throughout AUTH0 → Apple

AUTH0 works as expected. Inside dashboard im pressing try connection and then apple login widow opens. And url for this window contains my client id and correct redirect url. And login throughout this window resolves to same user.

I have created in test net apple verifier and used correct Auth0 Client ID and Auth0 Domain. Using this verifier im trying to login with apple and inside apple window in url i have client_id=com.auth0.web and redirect_uri= After login in this window it resolves to different user. How i van fix this?

To solve this problem i added new property to configuration of Apple jwtParameters.domain

so now my configuration looks like

return new OpenloginAdapter({
        adapterSettings: {
            clientId: CONFIG.WEB3_AUTH.CLIENT_ID,
            network: "testnet",
            uxMode: "popup",
            dark: true,
            loginConfig: {
                [LOGIN_PROVIDER.GOOGLE]: {
                    typeOfLogin: "google",
                    name: CONFIG.WEB3_AUTH.OPEN_LOGIN.GOOGLE.NAME,
                    clientId: CONFIG.WEB3_AUTH.OPEN_LOGIN.GOOGLE.CLIENT_ID,
                [LOGIN_PROVIDER.APPLE]: {
                    verifier: CONFIG.WEB3_AUTH.OPEN_LOGIN.APPLE.VERIFIER_NAME,
                    clientId: CONFIG.WEB3_AUTH.OPEN_LOGIN.APPLE.CLIENT_ID,
                    typeOfLogin: "apple",
                    jwtParameters: {
                        domain: CONFIG.WEB3_AUTH.OPEN_LOGIN.APPLE.DOMAIN,
                [LOGIN_PROVIDER.CUSTOM]: {
                    typeOfLogin: "jwt",
                    verifier: CONFIG.WEB3_AUTH.OPEN_LOGIN.CUSTOM.VERIFIER,
                    clientId: CONFIG.WEB3_AUTH.OPEN_LOGIN.CUSTOM.CLIENT_ID,

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