Auth fails randomly with error: Unable to release lock

Please provide the following details too when asking for help in this category:

  • SDK Version: 12.0.0
  • Verifier Details: Google Custom Verifier
    • Verifier Name: numo-google-alpha.2
    • JWKS Endpoint: NA
    • Sample idToken(JWT)

For some users custom google authentications failes with the next error message:

Unable to release lock lock cannot be released from storage layer status code: 0

Also getting this error frequently in mobile (chrome/ brave)

@fernando Welcome Aboard!

Your issue is under review by our Dev team and we will get back with further updates.

Hello @fernando
can you tell us which network are you using?
and is this error always happening for certain user, or sometimes?

This happens in sapphire mainnet and it happens often to different users

Hello @fernando
can you let me know if this error is fixed now?
It seems that our dev team made some changes to our network.

Hi Pepper!,

Seems we still having the same issue when trying to authenticate with any account

Hi @fernando
This error “message has been signed more than 60s ago” is happening because of these reasons :

  • JWT is expired.
  • The JWT’s exp field is less than the current time.
  • The JWT’s iat field is greater than 60s from current time.

Web3Auth accepts only those JWTs whose iat is less than the current time and is not greater than 60s from current time. Regardless of the exp field of the JWT.

  • In short, the JWT is considered expired if the iat is greater than 60s from the current time.

try checking your JWT accordingly. thank you

Is this supposed to happen even with google authentication? At the moment we don’t support JWT or any other auth method that google. So in that case, can you refer to me where in the documentation I can find how to handle this part?

thanks in advance

Also I am still getting this error very frequently and not really sure why this keeps happening

Screen Shot 2023-11-06 at 23.02.32

can you share your app link, and share us the initialization code?


wesite url:

Init code (let me know if you need any other part of the code):

      const loginResponse = await(
        tKey.serviceProvider as TorusServiceProvider
            verifier: 'numo-google-alpha.2',
            typeOfLogin: 'google',

Hello @fernando
I’m afraid I can’t test your app from my side since this error is happening to me.
so can’t try debugging.

Can you resolve this error and let me know once?
plus it will be better if you attach all your login logic code here.

oh sorry, forget I removed that url from whitelist, should be ok now.

Here is the code that seems to be failing based on the debugging I did today:

And here the full error when authentication fails:

Hi @fernando
So I was able to login and generate my wallet. (unable to reproduce error)
Seems that your login logic looks fine to me, nowhere seems to me odd.

The 403 error in “” is happening in our infrastructure, so there is nothing to do from your side.
I’ll check this issue with our infra team, thank you.

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Hi Pepper, me again, we continue getting the error with the bulk_set_stream service, any news on your side? I am afraid this is starting to be a real issue for our production users, please let me know if there is anything we can do on our side to help this get sorted out.

thanks in advance!, best

Hi @fernando ,

Can you check if system time on the user’s device is correct.

Also can you attach a network waterfall of api requests when this issue is happening, it would be helpful for us to verify why the signing msg is expiring for you. May be some slow api causing it to wait.

Note: Please make sure the path of network requests should be visible in screenshot.

I can confirm time in user’s device is correct,

In the other hand, here is the ss of the network waterfall, let me know if you need any additional info:

after bulk_set_stream response:

@himanshumishra1707 @shahbaz

Please could you take a look. We are stuck with this issue for sometime now and we would like to come to a solution to move ahead. Also if it helps we can get on a call with the representative devs on your side to get this resolved faster by this week.

Hi @tirtha ,

Unfortunately, we are not able to debug from the above screenshots, lets schedule a call for debugging further.

Please schedule a call here: Calendly - Himanshu Chawla

Let me know if the slots on my calendar doesnt fits with your timezone.

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