Authenticating web3auth users using other sites

I am making an app that needs the public wallet address from other site but I don’t have access to its cliendIDs or verifiers.

I was wondering if it is possible to redirect user to other website, have them log-in and authenticate there and return to the original site?

Other way I could think of is that we would take the, for example google log-in information, send that to the other site and verify the account there.

Is there any feasible way to do this or do I have to think of something else?

Any help or response is much appreciated, thanks! :slight_smile:

hi @antonako

I’m really sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I understand how important this is, and I want to ensure you receive the most accurate and helpful information possible. I’m going to discuss this with our team to provide you with a precise answer.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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hi @antonako

I recommend you look for our Node.js SDK ( also you can make an API from the other site to consume the information you need.

Another API that could help you is our lookup API. Please read our docs to know more about it :

I hope this answer can help you.

Thank you for the response! :slight_smile: I’ll take a look at them and see what I can accomplish.