Can a single Web3AuthMPCCoreKit instance support multiple Custom Chain Configurations?

This is related Initialize MPC Core Kit Web SDK, Can a single Web3AuthMPCCoreKit instance support multiple Custom Chain Configurations?

Because for CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155 there will be different type of chains supported like polygon, avalanche C-chain etc.

We are currently using the tkey js SDK and planning to move to use MPC core kit web SDK but I have observed since now private key is not reconstructing on the client side user need to pass the chainConfig at the time of creating the Web3AuthMPCCoreKit as part of Web3AuthOptions, while on the tkey side first we create a private key and then pass it to the provider(EthereumPrivateKeyProvider) which internally uses the setupProvider e.g for EVM compatible chains EthereumPrivateKeyProvider which support the functionality of addChain and switchChain which help us to use multiple blockchains at runtime for signing functionality.

But as per my observation, In MPC core kit web SDK, provider(EthereumSigningProvider) creation will be handled by the creation of object itself which internally using chainConfig which we pass it while creating Web3AuthMPCCoreKit, which is not exposing functions like addChain and switchChain, correct me if Iā€™m wrong.

Can we get the same or similar kind of functionality in MPC core kit web SDK? or if its already there then where can I get the documentation?

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@kshitij.dean.sam Thanks for your question.

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