Cannot get idToken when calling authenticatedUser() from MetaMask adapter using NoModal SDK

  • SDK Version: v8
  • Platform: No Modal SDK

Using NoModal SDK and MetaMask, calling authenticatedUser() results in a 400 response from

"error":"Bad Request",
"message":"Validation failed",
"validation": {"body":{"source":"body","keys":["timeout"],"message":"\"timeout\" must be greater than or equal to 86400"}}

Web3Auth Instance Code:

export const getWeb3AuthInstance = (chains: readonly Chain[]) => {
  const chainConfig = {
    chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155,
    chainId: '0x' + chains[0].id.toString(16),
    rpcTarget: chains[0].rpcUrls.default.http[0],
    displayName: chains[0].name,
    tickerName: chains[0].nativeCurrency?.name,
    ticker: chains[0].nativeCurrency?.symbol,
    blockExplorerUrl: chains[0].blockExplorers?.default.url[0] as string,

  const privateKeyProvider = new EthereumPrivateKeyProvider({
    config: {chainConfig},

  const web3AuthInstance = new Web3AuthNoModal({
    clientId: environment.web3AuthClientId,
    storageKey: 'local',
    enableLogging: false,
    sessionTime: 3600, // 1 hour in seconds,

    new OpenloginAdapter({
      adapterSettings: {
        uxMode: 'redirect',
        replaceUrlOnRedirect: false,
      loginSettings: {
        mfaLevel: 'none', // Testnet

  web3AuthInstance.configureAdapter(new MetamaskAdapter());

  return web3AuthInstance;

const {idToken} = await web3Auth!.authenticateUser();

hi @afarley,
Your issue has been forwarded to our Dev team and we will get back with further updates.

Hi @afarley,

I have just tested the no-modal example with Metamask and is working ok.

Please check the example with Metamask Adapter: