Cannot login, it asks for 2FA that I have not setup and never received a passphrase

I tried to login as usual but I received a 2FA request. I have setup a password for the account but the password is not an option to recover?

I never received a passphrase for the account. The email address for the account is

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@maas Your issue has been forwarded to our Dev team and we will get back with further updates.

I checked and found that this account only has 2 factors: email-passwordless-login share and device share.
Can you try to login to Safari which is the browser that you used and setup 2FA?

Thanks for the response.

In truth, I never remember setting up 2FA or selecting the device as the 2FA for the account.

In any case, I am using Safari, the same browser to try to log in. It is version 17. I cleared my history several days ago, so I’m not sure if this has an impact.

I have a password stored in my 1Password for this web3auth account.

I’ve spent 2 days on the Chatbox with Web3Auth trying to resolve this issue too!! Nothing works. They told me it was an integration issue with so they blame it on the wallet provider Fetch. won’t respond to emails or chats.

I updated my Chrome version (for security reasons obviously) which is possibly why ‘new device detected’ isn’t working. Web3Auth wants me to log in to ‘Chrome V119’ but my browser (according to my Auth login) is now ‘Chrome V120’.

Yes, we already have a documented article regarding this. Would suggest you go through it to understand how it works What happens when my social account (Google, Facebook, Discord) gets compromised? How do I recover my account? | Web3Auth Helpdesk

Hi @vjgee, I can see the article says “Browser Update: If you upgrade or downgrade your browser to a version different from that when you registered your device, there is a possibility that your browser settings change and break the device share and you will be promopted to verify your login

This doesn’t provide a solution to our problem, however. I have been emailed about 5 different passphrases but none of them work. I can’t verify my Device so I only have my ‘social login’ verified. Without Device and Passphrase, how can I log in?

@hmlbcascais1983 I see you communicated with our Support team via Chat and they have reported your issue our Dev team as well. Please continue the conversation there itself.

Please read the article to check the type of login with your phrase as documented:

I tried and failed. They told me it was Fetch Wallet’s problem and to contact them, which you can’t. This is a massive issue that needs to be solved. I can see multiple posts from people like me all locked out of their accounts. Your team needs to prioritise this as URGENT. I am locked out of a wallet I use

The team pushed some fixes regarding this. Can you please check and let me know if you still face this issue? Thanks for your patience.

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