Cannot login on safari

Hi team,

Many of our users using safari as browser and when they try to login, they are stuck at this screen.

Unable to detect login share from AuthNetwork. This maybe due to slow connection. Check your speed etc etc.

Can you help identify what’s the issue?

@dev2 Thanks for reaching out.

Could you please share your Dapp URL to replicate the issue from our end . Is this happening only on Safari ?

Hi, most of the time in safari but sometime we found users using chrome also found it.
URL to our app is

Thank you

@dev2 Thanks for your patience.

I was able login to Google Chrome without any issues. If the problem is happening on Safari, please check the browser settings following the below article:

Could help get console logs from Safari browser on iOS? Here is a guide How to debug iOS devices?

There was a migration in progress and 1st phase is complete. For a short period, new user onboarding might have affected during the migration. "Mainnet" Network Migration scheduled for 23rd July 2023

Do let us know if you are still facing the issue.

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