Sorry if this is a mistake on my part: its my first time trying to use this SDK, but I seem to be having a problem when trying to follow the Quickstart guide to using the resource with Unity to link a wallet. Mainly: It seems like the package that I need to install via npm does not download anything but an empty folder?
Tried directly downloading the unity package and added it to my project and manifest file, but I’m still getting errors when trying to use and fidget around with the Web3AuthScript provided in the page. Aparently I’m missing a reference to the Nethereum namespace? I’m just not sure what to do here.
Hey Tom! Thanks for your reply. Thing is, since we’re trying to integrate the service to an existing unity project I needed to have a unity package that included all the dependencies to easily integrate it without too much of a hassle, instead of starting a project from zero. I’ve managed to do that by downloading one of the examples provided in that Git repository and copying the plugins since the package provided did not include the NethereumLib, needed for the example scripts.
Now I’m on to trying to figure out how to connect my metamask wallet to the service. Thank you for your help anyway! Cheers!