Changing the url in google sign in screen during web3auth authentication

Can the url in the google sign in screen be changed from to my own url? Also can the url in the url bar be changed in these screens and the user flow screens?


You can definitely achieve this customization by using custom verifiers instead of the default verifiers managed by Web3Auth. For instance, the app name that appears on the Google login prompt is configured on the Google Developer Dashboard. We have ours set to ‘’, but you can customize this to display any name you prefer when setting up your app on the Google Developer Dashboard.

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I have used custom verifiers in my web3auth dashboard and also configured the name,url, privacy and terms url in my google dashboard:

    const chainConfig = {
      chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155,
      chainId: '0xAA36A7', // Please use 0x1 for Mainnet
      rpcTarget: '',
      displayName: 'Sepolia Testnet',
      blockExplorerUrl: '',
      ticker: 'ETH',
      tickerName: 'Ethereum',
      logo: '',
      isTestnet: true,
    const privateKeyProvider = new EthereumPrivateKeyProvider({
      config: { chainConfig },
    // console.log(process.env.CLIENT_ID, " client id ashe na?");
    const web3auth = new Web3AuthNoModal({
      uiConfig: {
        mode: 'dark',
        useLogoLoader: true,
        logoLight: '',
        logoDark: '',
        defaultLanguage: 'en',
        theme: {
          primary: '#768729',
    const openloginAdapter = new OpenloginAdapter({
      adapterSettings: {
        uxMode: "popup",
        loginConfig: {
          google: {
            verifier: "eidverse-test", // Pass the Verifier name here
            typeOfLogin: "google", // Pass on the login provider of the verifier you've created
            clientId: "", // Pass on the Google `Client ID` here
        whiteLabel: {
          appName: "Eidverse",
          appUrl: "",
          logoLight: "",
          logoDark: "",
          defaultLanguage: "en", // en, de, ja, ko, zh, es, fr, pt, nl, tr
          mode: "dark", // whether to enable dark mode. defaultValue: auto
          theme: {
            primary: "#00D1B2",
          useLogoLoader: true,

However still I am getting the url on the google sign in page as


I hope you are doing great. Did you manage to change the text from the google Dashboard? Would you mind sending me a screen shoot from the google dashboard where you are changing it?