Coinbase not selectable in desktop PnP (also not an option on your demo app)


Your demo app currently doesn’t have coinbase as an option. We’ve tried to incorporate the coinbase wallet extension using the suggested modalConfig but it doesn’t seem to recognize it. Has support for coinbase been deprecated? Is there a reason it isn’t on the demo app as well?




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  • SDK Version:
  • Platform:
  • Browser Console Screenshots:
  • Related to Custom Authentication? Please provide the following info too: (Optional)
    • Verifier Name:
    • JWKS Endpoint:
    • Sample idToken(JWT)

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@andrew Thanks for your recent post.

Coinbase is not available by default in Modal. You need to include the Coinbase Adapter following this: Coinbase Wallet Adapter | Documentation | Web3Auth

thanks we are doing a client side implementation but we are including the minified version of coinbase adapter via <script src=…

when trying to initialize CoinbaseAdapter, getting an error that CoinbaseAdapter is not a constructor, is there a reference that is using coinbase that works? Was hoping demo would have that but it’s not implemented looks like.


You can refer to this example:

Replace MetamaskAdapter with Coinbase Adapter