Could not get result from torus nodes

So I’ve configured Google Cloud 0Auth 2.0 and received a Client ID. I used this to configure a verifier in Custom Auth called heimlabs-auth. Further, I setup a plug and play project as well for which I received another clientId.

The code snippet below, works locally but as soon as it’s hosted it gives the error mentioned below. I resolved the issue by passing the verifierClientId to the adapter as well but ideally the verifier itself should be sufficient.

  • SDK Version: 6.1.5
  • Platform: ReactJs
  • Related to Custom Authentication? Please provide the following info too: (Optional)
    • Type: google
    • Verifier Name: heimlabs-auth

Please provide the Web3Auth initialization and login code snippet below:

        const clientId = process.env.REACT_APP_W3A_CLIENT_ID as string;
        const verifier = process.env.REACT_APP_W3A_VERIFIER as string;
        // const verifierClientId = process.env.REACT_APP_0AUTH_CLIENT_ID as string;

        const web3AuthInstance = new Web3Auth({
          web3AuthNetwork: "testnet",
          chainConfig: currentChainConfig,
          uiConfig: {
            defaultLanguage: "en",
            theme: "light",
            loginGridCol: 3,
            primaryButton: "socialLogin",
          enableLogging: true,

        const adapter = new OpenloginAdapter({
          adapterSettings: {
            network: web3AuthNetwork,
            uxMode: 'redirect',
            loginConfig: {
              google: {
                typeOfLogin: "google",
                showOnModal: true,
                // clientId: verifierClientId

        await web3AuthInstance.initModal();

The error:

{"errorMsg":"Could not get result from torus nodes \n Error occurred while verifying paramsazip is not clientID <my-google-0auth-client-id>",...

@0xhohenheim Is your Verifier Status deployed and live on Testnet? Please check the status on the Dashboard. Please refer to the below documentation

You may refer to this guide as well:

const adapter = new OpenloginAdapter({
          adapterSettings: {
            network: web3AuthNetwork,
            uxMode: 'redirect',
            loginConfig: {
              google: {
                typeOfLogin: "google",
                showOnModal: true,
                // clientId: // this should be the google client id. pls pass it

Hey, Thanks for your response! Yes, it’s live on testnet

I followed this since it matched my requirements: Google Social Login with Web3Auth | Documentation | Web3Auth

But my issue with it is that it requests for the Google Client ID when I’ve already configured it on the Web3Auth dashboard, is there no way around it?

Hey, Thanks for your response! Yes, I’m familiar with the fix for the error but my concern is that I’ve already configured it on the Web3Auth dashboard, so why do I need to configure it on the client side as well?