Could not validate redirect

This is my code:

const [web3AuthNetwork, setWeb3AuthNetwork] = useState<WEB3AUTH_NETWORK_TYPE>("mainnet");
  const [chain, setChain] = useState<CHAIN_CONFIG_TYPE>("celo");

import { CHAIN_NAMESPACES, CustomChainConfig } from "@web3auth/base";

export const CHAIN_CONFIG = {
  mainnet: {
    displayName: "Ethereum Mainnet",
    chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155,
    chainId: "0x1",
    rpcTarget: ``,
    blockExplorer: "",
    ticker: "ETH",
    tickerName: "Ethereum",
  } as CustomChainConfig,
  mumbai: {
    chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155,
    chainId: "0x13881", // hex of 80001, polygon testnet
    rpcTarget: "",
    displayName: "Polygon Mumbai Testnet",
    blockExplorer: "",
    ticker: "MATIC",
    tickerName: "Matic",
  } as CustomChainConfig,
  celo: {
    chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155,
    chainId: "0xa4ec", // hex of 42220, Celo mainnet
    rpcTarget: "**e6a",
    displayName: "Celo Mainnet",
    blockExplorer: "",
    ticker: "CELO",
    tickerName: "CELO",
  } as CustomChainConfig,
  polygon: {
    chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155,
    rpcTarget: "",
    blockExplorer: "",
    chainId: "0x89",
    displayName: "Polygon Mainnet",
    ticker: "matic",
    tickerName: "Matic",
  } as CustomChainConfig,
  tezos: {
    chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.OTHER,
    displayName: "Tezos Ithacanet",
  } as CustomChainConfig,
} as const;

export type CHAIN_CONFIG_TYPE = keyof typeof CHAIN_CONFIG;

export const WEB3AUTH_NETWORK = {
  mainnet: {
    displayName: "Mainnet",
  testnet: {
    displayName: "Testnet",
  cyan: {
    displayName: "Cyan",
} as const;

export type WEB3AUTH_NETWORK_TYPE = keyof typeof WEB3AUTH_NETWORK;

const web3AuthInstance = new Web3Auth({
          chainConfig: currentChainConfig,
          uiConfig: {
            appName: "Gream",
            appLogo: "",
            theme: "light",
            loginMethodsOrder: ["twitter", "google"],
            defaultLanguage: "en",
            primaryButton: "socialLogin",
          enableLogging: true,
          web3AuthNetwork: 'mainnet',

I tried all mainnet network keys, also whitelisted my domain. I’ve: Aqua mainnet, mainnet, Sapphire mainnet, none of them work.

@zkPlaty Could share the entire console logs errors as well.

Nothing specific. First screenshot is from pop-up itself

I just noticed env is set up wrong. Let me fix that see if it works

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