We wanted to integrate Login-with-Tok-Tok flow in our application using Web3Auth.Needed help to integrate the same using Custom Authentication.
From TikTok's dev document, we do get an open_id token in JWT format from the access-token endpoint. Regarding the JWKS uri, I have dropped a mail to TikTok's support asking the same as I couldn't find it in their docs.
Once we have that JWKS uri, how can we proceed further ?
You should get id_token and have jwks uri, once you get id_token and have jwks uri you can go to developer dashboard to setup a custom verifier. See below screenshot for the reference:
Hello Sarthak,
You are correct, we can use auth0 and web3auth example for tik tok login. I guess you have already completed the tiktok and auth0 integration now you just need a simple guide on "how to connect auth0 with web3auth". @irux shared the link with you for the demo pls take a look at it.
And also we have a look at the guide on docs page for setting up auth0 integration with web3auth. Please find below link. https://web3auth.io/docs/guides/auth0
We are trying to achieve same functionality with web3auth react-native SDK (version: 3.5.0) custom authentication. Basically, we would like to provide tiktok social login option through web3auth for our app. However by looking at the tiktok developer documentation, I am not sure about how to fetch the open_id in JWT format.
Also, tried to reach out to tiktok support through ‘Support’ option provided in tiktok developer account (as could not find any email address or support group) but have not received any acknowledgement/reply for JWT token & JWKS endpoint.
Can anyone please provide some guidelines or documentation link about how to fetch JWT token using tiktok APIs & JWKS uri required for web3auth login.
@hiral.panchal18 Please avoid commenting on old threads for new issues as our team will not get notified. Always create new threads with a recent date so our team can look into it.
I have created new thread on your behalf but going forward please do not comment on old threads as they will not be attended to considering the timeline.