Does web3auth provide off-ramp service

I know web3auth provide on-ramp service where user can buy tokens with there fiat currency. But i didn’t find any service for off-ramp, where user would be able to sell there tokens and get back fiat currency. Do let me know if off-ramp feature is available in web3auth ecosystem along the documentation.

Hey @rohit.science010, Web3Auth as of now only provides the On-Ramp Service. We don’t have Off-Ramp service available. Hope this helps!

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Thank you Ayush for response. When can we expect web3auth will provide Off-Ramp service?

Hey @rohit.science010, thanks for your patience, I’ll talk with the team and let you know.

Hey @rohit.science010 we don’t have any plan to support off-ramp service as of now.

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