Email_passwordless login on React Native on iOS gives Invalid authentication url error

This time, I referred to the following site to create my project.
(Using Web3Auth React Native SDK in Expo Workflow | Web3Auth)

I tried to implement email_passwordless login on iOS using react native SDK(@web3auth/react-native-sdk v5.1.0).

I was able to login with google or Line, but failed with email.
I just changed from GOOGLE to EMAIL_PASSWORDLESS in the following code.

const login = async () => {
    try {
      if (!web3auth) {
        setConsole("Web3auth not initialized");

      setConsole("Logging in");
      await web3auth.login({
        redirectUrl: resolvedRedirectUrl,
        mfaLevel: "default",
        curve: "secp256k1",
      setConsole(`Logged in ${web3auth.privKey}`);
      if (web3auth.privKey) {
        uiConsole("Logged In");
    } catch (e) {

What would be the problem for email_passwordless login?

  • SDK Version: 5.1.0 (lastest)
  • Platform: Xcode (iPhone 15 (iOS 17.4))

@nishitsuji.ryosuke.r Welcome Aboard!

Could you please refer to our Integration Builder example on how to use Email Passwordless:



const login = async () => {
    try {
      if (!web3auth.ready) {
        setConsole('Web3auth not initialized');
      if (!email) {
        setConsole('Enter email first');

      setConsole('Logging in');
      await web3auth.login({
        redirectUrl: resolvedRedirectUrl,
        extraLoginOptions: {
          login_hint: email,

I modified my code with reference to this code, but the following notation appeared in the console.
[Property ‘email’ doesn’t exit]

I used [react-native/rn-expo-example] to create my project.
The guide you referred me to uses [rn-bare-quick-start].

Is this difference causing this error?

Can you replace ‘email’ with the actual email address of the user trying to login?

When I replaced ‘email’ with the actual email address, I was able to login.
I think there is actually a field to enter an email address, but it is not showing up. What is wrong with the code?
As I wrote before I only changed the “LOGIN_PROVIDER.GOOGLE” part of rn-expo-example.

Could you take a look at this example on how the email field is dynamic and implement the same for your code:

I have successfully logged in with the email address I entered. Thank you very much.


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