Error Importing ERC-721 NFTs to Torus Wallet

Hey, I have been using Torus wallet to receive ERC-721 NFTs. But when I try to import these NFTs by “Import” option, I am getting error as “homeAssets.nftMetadataFailed”. The NFT is of standard ERC-721, since I verified it on Polygon scan, opensea and metamask.

According to my understanding, this error is due to the CORS policy of the infura gateway used by the Torus wallet to fetch NFT metadata.

Reason for this conclusion : There was CORS issue in the browser console and I used CORS unblock extension in and I was able to import my NFTs without any issue.

Is there a way to solve this, because using a CORS unblock each time is not practical?

Hi @binilvjacob8,

I hope you’re doing well! I noticed that you’re currently using an older version of the Torus Wallet (3.0.0). Just wanted to mention that I’ve been using the latest version, which is

If you’re considering clearing your cache, please keep in mind that if you have Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) already activated, you can lost your access.

Please try importing with the latest version.

Hey @TomTom , thanks for the reply. It works well now after switching to the latest version!

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