Error: UserAgent parameter can't be empty (React Native)

I am setting up tkey for my React-Native project using TorusServiceProvider, it return Error when I call tkey.serviceProvider.init(), I am using latest tkey (11.0.0)

error detail:

Here is my code:

import {WEB3AUTH_CLIENT_ID} from "@env";
import ThresholdKey from "@tkey/core";
import {CustomAuthArgs} from "@toruslabs/customauth";
import TorusServiceProvider from "@tkey/service-provider-torus";
import SecurityQuestionsModule from "@tkey/security-questions";
import TorusStorageLayer from "@tkey/storage-layer-torus";
import {resolvedRedirectUrl} from "@/utils/web3auth";

const customAuthArgs: CustomAuthArgs = {
  web3AuthClientId: WEB3AUTH_CLIENT_ID,
  network: "testnet",
  baseUrl: resolvedRedirectUrl,
  enableLogging: true,

const serviceProvider = new TorusServiceProvider({customAuthArgs});

const securityQuestionsModule = new SecurityQuestionsModule();

const storageLayer = new TorusStorageLayer({
  hostUrl: "",

export const tKey = new ThresholdKey({
  modules: {

(tKey.serviceProvider as TorusServiceProvider).init({});

Please provide the following details too when asking for help in this category:

  • SDK Version: 11.0.0
  • Verifier Details:
    • Verifier Name:
    • JWKS Endpoint:
    • Sample idToken(JWT)

@cuongnguyen Thanks for your recent communication.

I will look into this and get back with an update.

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