Facebook email doesnt pass after login

this is our platform - https://upvsdown.com
this is our testing platform - https://integration-app2.upvsdown.com.

both of these platforms have the same code.

on integration we manage to receive the email and display it in the wallet page (clicking on the wallet icon after connecting to the game).

on production the email doesnt pass through - we see nothing in the email in the network tab.

this is our code:

_web5js = new Web3Auth({
                web3AuthNetwork: cyan,
                storageKey: "local",
                sessionTime: 86400 * 7,
                uiConfig: {
                    appLogo: logoPetit,
                    theme: { isDark: true, colors: { primary: "#123653", background: "#123653", torusBrand1: "#000000" }, },
                    loginMethodsOrder: ['google', 'facebook', 'apple', 'linkedin']
                chainConfig: {
                    chainNamespace: "eip155",
                    chainId: chainId, // hex of 137, polygon mainnet

please help us. has there been any update on your side that might broke this flow? it used to work before.

@idob Thanks for your recent communication.

Could you please record and share a video of what you are referring to here? It would be helpful to better understand the issue.

where can i share the video with you?

@idob Please navigate to the left hand side Menu . Scroll down to find Messages > Inbox > New Message and send me a DM with the video link.

i dont see any option for “messages” in both of the menus

@idob I received the video you send via DM. We will review and get back with further updates.