Facebook login not retrieving email addresses for users trying to login

Please provide the following details too when asking for help in this category:
Please my team and I are currently developing an application of which we need the email addresses of the user trying to sign in, irrespective of the methods they used. For Facebook, the email addresses of users are not being returned when they try to login using facebook. Unlike with google, where we can easily fetch the email address of the user from the object that is returned.
Please is this a common problem or it’s just specific to some users? and how can it be resolved please?

  • SDK Version:
  • Platform:
  • Browser Console Screenshots:
  • Related to Custom Authentication? Please provide the following info too: (Optional)
    • Verifier Name:
    • JWKS Endpoint:
    • Sample idToken(JWT)

Please provide the Web3Auth initialization and login code snippet below:

@u.h.ugwu Thanks for reaching out.

Your request has been forwarded to our Dev team and we will get back with further updates.

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try refer to this previous question

I will have a look at that later but I think this was working straight before without any other extra configurations. Was any new change made?

Also, is web3auth down at the moment? As I can’t seem to sign in. It throws the error in the image below. This is also the same on your demo application.

im 100% certain they are having issues but havent got a yes, are you happening to use popup? i was getting same error and had to do some quick hacky redirect version to get a quick fix out

Yes. I am using pop up

I second this. I too am getting issues using the popup

redirect works fine popup is broken right now

Which redirect? For google/facebook etc… logins?

google redirect works for me

It’s not for me, I’m using React.

Hey you are the svelte gut.

Are you using sveltekit or just regular svetle?

I was trying to get the web3auth to run in sveltekit but I was faced with process and bundler issues along with common.js issues stating it needed packages imported like this:

const { Web3AuthNoModal } = require('@web3auth/no-modal')

instead of using the es6 format like this:

import { Web3Auth as Web3AuthModal } from "@web3auth/modal";

im using sveltekit, you prob need polyfills im also using wagmi/viem

How did you switch to the redirect option?

@here Please try it now, team has pushed a build which should solve the issue. Also we do a phased roll out for different regions and it is causing the issue on a few regions where this update was rolled out.
New users won’t be affected at all, this is only affecting existing issues.
The fix is rolled out now. It will take some time to propagate across regions.
Apologizing for the inconvenience.