Fail to login by email_passwordless on Android web browser

  • SDK Version: 6.1.1
  • Platform: mobile web(Chrome) on Android

Sometime when we try to login with web3auth on an Android web browser and using email_passwordless method, we recieve the email with a verification link.

But when follow that link we encounter this error:

    "error_code": "E300",
    "message": "Verification link expired or not generated.",
    "success": false

Note that it works fine on iOS and desktop web browser.

@kai.nguyen Thanks for reaching out.

Your issue has been forwarded to our team and we will get back with updates once more information becomes available.

Based on the error message you provided, it would appear you are accessing the link after it expired. You would need to authenticate the verification link within 1 minute to avoid the link from expiring. Could you check this and try again?

Thanks @vjgee for your response.

So in our case, we opened the email immediately after receiving it, so I can be pretty sure that we clicked it on time.
Also in the email, it said that the link would expire in 5 minutes instead of 1 as you mention.

@kai.nguyen Thanks for your reply. Since, you mention there is no delay in opening the email, I will forward your feedback to our team. Have you tried another android browser apart from chrome to check the behavior?

I was referring to the initial screen that you get for the email validation:


Thanks @vjgee.

To give more detail, we tested it on chrome and this error showed up. But when we opened chrome in incognito mode or used another browser like edge, it worked fine.

@kai.nguyen Can you ensure Chrome settings are as documented in this article.

@vjgee yes, we check again and be sure to enable cookies and allow pop-ups but still have that error.

Pls clear cache on both start and verification links and try again