Failed social login for whitelisted address

When asking for help in this category, please make sure to provide the following details:

  • SDK Version:
  • Platform:
  • Browser Console Screenshots:
  • If the issue is related to Custom Authentication, please include the following information (optional):

We used latest sdk according to your documentation.
We are following error:

There seems to be some bug in the code. Please contact support to fix this.
could not validate redirect, please whitelist your domain: it.csa.csa.mobileCsa://auth for provided clientId BHjYxKYOV8cYV_3USEwq2uDQ5o0zYA-cektSsbaWJqkOobmaMvjsasQ97ovjc4wlk-VSzKm61fHB-xUVe3RteDo at Also, this project is on sapphire_devnet network. Please ensure the the used Client ID belongs to this network.
  • Verifier Name:
  • JWKS Endpoint:
  • Sample idToken (JWT):

Also, kindly provide the Web3Auth initialization and login code snippet below. This will help us better understand your issue and provide you with the necessary assistance.

We already whitelisted

in the previous error the error says mobileCsa with the C uppercase.


Hi @gabriel.albarosa,

I hope you’re doing great. I’ve just forwarded your post to our team so they can provide better assistance.

Thank you for your patience!

Hi, TomTom
seeems that web3auth takes BUNDLE ID instead of “redirect url”.
According to your documentation
if (Platform.isAndroid) {
redirectUrl = Uri.parse(‘SCHEMA://APPID/auth’);
} else if (Platform.isIOS) {
redirectUrl = Uri.parse(‘it.csa.csa.mobilecsa://auth’);
// com.example.w3aflutter://auth
} else {
throw UnKnownException(‘Unknown platform’);

Once we try to log in with ios the error message is

could not validate redirect, please whitelist your domain: it.csa.csa.mobileCsa://auth for provided clientId BHjYxKYOV8cYV_3USEwq2uDQ5o0zYA-cektSsbaWJqkOobmaMvjsasQ97ovjc4wlk-VSzKm61fHB-xUVe3RteDo at Also, this project is on sapphire_devnet network. Please ensure the the used Client ID belongs to this network.

our redirect url for ios is redirectUrl = Uri.parse(‘it.csa.csa.mobilecsa://auth’);
and not
: it.csa.csa.mobileCsa://auth

I would also like to add that we had this error once we migrate from our personal account of web3auth to client’s account.

Thanks for your support


Hey @gabriel.albarosa, the fix has been deployed. Can you try once again?

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Hey, @Ayush seems to be working fine.
Thanks for your support.

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