Failed to connect with openlogin provider LoginError: login popup has been closed by the user

"I encountered an issue while attempting to log in with web3Auth, resulting in the following error message:

"name": "WalletLoginError",
"code": 5111,
"message": "Connection with the wallet failed. Login with openlogin was unsuccessful."

package version:

"@toruslabs/openlogin-utils": "^4.7.0",
"@web3auth/base": "^6.1.3",
"@web3auth/ethereum-provider": "^6.1.1",
"@web3auth/no-modal": "^6.1.3",
"@web3auth/openlogin-adapter": "^6.1.1",
"@web3modal/react": "^2.7.0",


const web3Provider = async ({ chain }) => {
  const { chainNamespace, chainId, rpcTarget } = chain;

  const chainConfig = { chainNamespace, chainId, rpcTarget };

  try {
    const web3authProvider = new Web3AuthNoModal({
      clientId: WEB3AUTH_CLIENT_ID,
      web3AuthNetwork: WEB3AUTH_NETWORK,

    const privateKeyProvider = new EthereumPrivateKeyProvider({
      config: { chainConfig },

    const openloginAdapter = new OpenloginAdapter({


    await web3authProvider.init();

    return web3authProvider;
  } catch (e) {

const web3AuthProvider = await web3Provider.connectTo(
          extraLoginOptions: {
            login_hint: email,

The user did not manually close the popup; it closed automatically after the redirection

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I am experiencing same issue. Please can anyone address this?

I also having same issue

@u.h.ugwu @vaibhavsinha619 @tkchaw80 Thanks for reporting.

Your issue has been forwarded to our team and we will get back to you with further updates on the progress.


Same error for the last couple hours

@here Please try it now, team has pushed a build which should solve the issue. Also we do a phased roll out for different regions and it is causing the issue on a few regions where this update was rolled out.
New users won’t be affected at all, this is only affecting existing issues.
The fix is rolled out now. It will take some time to propagate across regions.
Apologizing for the inconvenience.

Still getting this error, you can check at -

How long might it take for fix to propagate across regions?

Could you please try once after performing a hard refresh?

still getting the same error

Hard refresh didn’t help :confused:

Now is working for me
Just FYI, Control + refresh not working, you have to clear cache from chrome:

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If you are on chrome, hold down the control button and press refresh and you’ll see this. Here, press Empty cache and hard reload.

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Same here. Have cleared cookies, cache, application, everything is cleared.
Was working fine just a couple of hours ago, now each time on devnet am getting the errors above.

I’m using Firebase for auth, no-modal SDK and the wagmi connector. It’s been stable for days.

The web3auth popup correctly sometimes asks me if I want to enable 2FA, I press skip for now. Then there’s a delay, the popup closes. Then there is a delay before the open login adapter produces the error.

Web3AuthConnector’s connect() is throwing, but on the line before I can successfully get an instance of the provider via getProvider().

Resolved with

Empty cache and hard reload

Thank you.

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I suspect this might be a browser issue. Was using Arc. Switched to Chrome - all fine. Will reach out to the Arc browser people about their cache-clearing.

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Can you give us more detail about why clearing cache should work if we’re using locally built npm packages?

Yeah sure, the packages might be built locally but if you notice carefully, you’re redirected to Web3Auth for login purposes. In order to give you the seemingly fastest experience, the browser would attempt to cache external sites.


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