Failed to initialize or reconstruct the key. Share doesn't exist

We recently encountered an issue on some accounts where we faced the error "Failed to initialize or reconstruct the key. Share doesn’t exist " during login.

Initially, we thought this error might be due to users creating their accounts with their email on the test net and therefore unable to log in on the main net. However, the user claims to have created their account on the main version.

what could be the reason for this error, and how can we resolve this issue?


I apologize for the wait—it wasn’t my intention to keep you hanging. I’m going to touch base with our team to make sure I can give you a detailed and precise response. Your understanding during this time is greatly appreciated, and I’ll make sure to get back to you with more information as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience.


I apologize for the delay in responding. Generally speaking, the error you’re encountering is often related to the loss of the user’s second share, which can occur due to resetting the browser or something similar.

To help us get a better understanding of the issue and provide you with the most accurate assistance, it would be incredibly helpful if you could share your implementation with us.

Thank you so much for your cooperation, and again, sorry for the wait. I’m looking forward to helping you resolve this issue as soon as possible.