For login via WalletConnect - is it possible to create/return an embedded wallet?

Hello there - we’d like to have the following flow for users:

  1. User comes to our app and has the option to login with email or ethereum wallet
  2. User goes through the login flow and an embedded wallet is created for them
  3. Our dApp now has access to this wallet and can sign on behalf of the user

We are using the No Modal SDK with WALLET_ADAPTERS.WALLET_CONNECT_V2 and WALLET_ADAPTERS.OPENLOGIN, but when using WALLET_CONNECT_V2, the provider that is returned is attached to the EOA that was used to sign up. We’d like it to be attached to a newly-created embedded wallet.

Please provide the following details too when asking for help in this category:

  • SDK Version: 7.0.4
  • Platform: Web

@almithani Welcome Aboard!

Your request has been forwarded to our team and we will get back to you with further updates.

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Any updates on this? Seems like a pretty straightforward question and it’s been 5 days.

Hey @almithani, sorry for the delay. If you login via walletconnect, it will be have the wallet address as per the walletconnect compatible app you logged in.
A new wallet is created through openlogin.

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