Gmail login on Web3Auth from Instagram App is showing error: Access blocked

This happens when you try to login using Gmail address on Web3Auth on our application through Instagram App → Linktree. So we have a link on our Instagram bio, using which you can open our application and login using Gmail address on Web3Auth. When users are doing that, they are getting the error:

  • SDK Version(package.json): 8.0.1
  • Platform: Web / JS
async web3authInit() {
      const privateKeyProvider = new CommonPrivateKeyProvider({
        config: {
          chainConfig: {
            chainId: '',
            chainNamespace: 'other', // for all non EVM and SOLANA chains, use "other"
            rpcTarget: config.nodeUrl,
            displayName: 'Near',
            blockExplorerUrl: config.explorerUrl,
            ticker: 'NEAR',
            tickerName: 'NEAR'

      const web3AuthNetworkType =
        WEB3AUTH_NETWORK[(networkId || '').toUpperCase() as keyof typeof WEB3AUTH_NETWORK]

      web3auth = new Web3Auth({
        clientId: config.web3AuthClientId, // get it from Web3Auth Dashboard
        web3AuthNetwork: web3AuthNetworkType, // "testnet" or "mainnet, "cyan", "aqua"
        privateKeyProvider: privateKeyProvider

      if (isIOS() || isSafari() || isAndroid()) {
        const web3RedirectUrl = localStorage.getItem('web3RedirectUrl') || window.location.href
        const openloginAdapter = new OpenloginAdapter({
          adapterSettings: {
            uxMode: 'redirect', // "redirect" | "popup"
            replaceUrlOnRedirect: false,
            redirectUrl: web3RedirectUrl,

      await web3auth.initModal({
        modalConfig: {
          openlogin: {
            label: 'openlogin',
            loginMethods: {
              discord: {
                name: 'discord',
                showOnModal: false
              github: {
                name: 'github',
                showOnModal: false

        inited: true

      // check if we are already logged in
async web3authLogin() {
      if (this.loggedIn) {
        console.error('web3authLogin : Already logged in')

      await this.web3authUser()

      if (!this.loggedIn) {
        try {
          if (isIOS() || isSafari() || isAndroid()) {
            const currentUrl = window.location.href;
            localStorage.setItem('web3RedirectUrl', currentUrl)
            await this.web3authInit()
          web3authProvider = await web3auth.connect()
          await this.web3authUser()
        } catch (e) {
          console.error('web3authLogin : Error connecting', (e as any).message)

hi @devin1

I hope you are doing okay! Let me discuss your issue with the team and get an answer for you as soon as possible.