Google verifier suddenly changed

Hi, I noticed my verifier shown in the Analytics panel changed from tkey-google to tkey-google-lrc causing me unable to access old account and force to create a new account under tkey-google-lrc.

I recently did split my project pipeline into development and production pipeline but I kept the using the same Web3Auth client ID. What could be triggering this change and how do it use tkey-google again?

  • SDK Version: v2.0
  • Platform: Windows 10

@xynanlee Thanks for reaching out.

Can you share the screenshot of the verifiers created on your Dashboard and are they linked to a project?

When you say this, did you create a seperate verifier/project and on a different network for Development and Production? The keys change with change in verifier and networks. Read more here

@xynanlee We have not receive any response from your end. Are you still facing any issues?

Hi, we decided to put this issue aside temporarily. Might recreate a new project so that we can consolidate and start afresh in the future.

Ok, if you do face any issues, please create a new thread in future.