Got Error: Unable to resolve enough promises

I’m trying to implement SFA, but get same error “Unable to resolve enough promises.”
at http://localhost:5173/node_modules/.vite/deps/@web3auth_single-factor-auth.js?v=090b000f:32889:20

  1. errors: (5) [undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined]
  2. predicate: “could not derive private key”
  3. responses: array of 5 responses with results.keys array(with some data)

Basic flow with custom JWT works well with same verifier and chains

What i do:

  1. create verifier for custom JWT(used the same for basic flow)
  2. get instance of Web3AuthSFA(from @web3auth/single-factor-auth) and init
  3. get JWT from my provider(backend for now), parse it to get id field(sub) and call
    verifier: “nb-custom”,
    idToken: accessToken,
    verifierId: decodedJWT.sub,
    when i got error
  • SDK Version: 5.1.0
  • Verifier Details:
    • Verifier Name: nb-custom
    • JWKS Endpoint:
    • Sample idToken(JWT): eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJuYW1laWQiOiJmZDVmZDlhNmRmNzM0NmQ0ODdkNGRmN2U4MTU0ZTI3MCIsInN1YiI6ImFkbWluQGVtYWlsLmNvbSIsIm5iZiI6MTY3OTY3MDc4MiwiZXhwIjoxNjc5NjcxMTQyLCJpYXQiOjE2Nzk2NzA3ODIsImlzcyI6Ik5mdFN5bmNJc3N1ZXIiLCJhdWQiOiJOZnRTeW5jQXVkaWVuY2UifQ.ducChmq1zZF9gxsK-thAXCJmJjcNH8n-ajaSNnEK9algMZjASaEk17MO3SBjOm9q9Szh1WEqX3b3iLBjDI-00JCHhKO7GK6hlfGSkP8HZ9ElTaGhmaGpjVAWStt3T1wZYyRvANaIp8Lr6Rqr1BSNZ5SvfK2VaemIJ9qvX-RcQIz6VT_FLpScQFzZppX6jsEaYUZS9K2lNOOUTzgUUKQ8VVa20bt9v1E5uA9EMTzpSijGJcZC5z6v7ft52YsQzZmhXbQalDJSNc2d3eIpVomAUVkACsTQeV8W7Xmkmdo8VnZpJutmUzscU5wZeBuBqPU1g3eXpbIzhK0NvoF1fHaugw
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I am facing this same issue, any help would be appreciate.
Can you provide your jwks? it seems like the url is not responding correctly.


  • Your JWT token header must contain the kid field and the payload data must contain iat field.

The kid field is not present in your jwt header, although I think it is not the error reason.

EDIT: I found that it works when using the example code from the github repo: web3auth-core-kit-examples/single-factor-auth/react-evm-sfa-example/src at main · Web3Auth/web3auth-core-kit-examples · GitHub

The main differences I can see is that we are using vite and a newer version of sfa than the repo

EDIT 2: I downgrade to v4.6.0 but I got the same error.

I’m facing the same error, i tried same code using the node-sdk and there seems to be working. Hope web3auth team will respond to this issues.

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JWKs validation works well with this token without SFA

Hey @ArtemFn @erik.zerpa

@bogdanpurnavel was facing a similar issue Single Factor Auth Error - Unable to resolve enough promises - #2 by shahbaz - Single Factor Auth Web SDK - Web3Auth Community

Can you guys confirm this happens only in the Vite app or the above-suggested example app?

If it does, we do have a Vite example app for modal SDK which can be used as a template to test the Vite scenario here.

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Hi @shahbaz, yes, it only fails when using vite I tested it without vite using the above example with my custom verifier and it works as expected.

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Thanks for confirming @erik.zerpa

Have you tried the Vite example linked above? and adapted it to SFA?

Do you still need assistance?

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