Got issue when setup Twitter via Auth0


I got the issue as below:

the project integrate from web application and use Twitter via Auth0.

thank advance

the snippet codes:

const web3AuthInstance = new Web3Auth({
          chainConfig: isProduction()
            ? CHAIN_CONFIG.mainnet
            : CHAIN_CONFIG.polygon,
          web3AuthNetwork: isProduction()
          clientId: WEB3_AUTH_CLIENT_ID,
          uiConfig: {
            loginMethodsOrder: ['twitter'],
            appName: 'xxx',
          sessionTime: 86400 * 7,
          enableLogging: true,

        const adapter = new OpenloginAdapter({
          adapterSettings: {
            network: isProduction()
            clientId: WEB3_AUTH_CLIENT_ID,
            uxMode: 'redirect',
            // redirectUrl: window.location.href,
            loginConfig: {
              jwt: {
                verifier: 'xxx', // Pass the Verifier name here
                typeOfLogin: 'jwt', // Pass on the login provider of the verifier you've created
                clientId: 'xxx', // Pass on the Auth0 `Client ID` here

web3AuthInstance.connectTo(WALLET_ADAPTERS.OPENLOGIN, {
            loginProvider: 'jwt',
            extraLoginOptions: {
              domain: 'xxxdomain', // Pass on the Auth0 `Domain` here
              verifierIdField: 'sub', // Pass on the field name of the `sub` field in the JWT
              connection: 'twitter', // Use this to skip Auth0 Modal for Twitter / X login

Hey, will check and update you as soon as possible.

Hey @peter2,

Based on the error message, it seems you might be trying to integrate Web3Auth into a desktop application. If you’re actually integrating it into a web app, could you please share the browser console logs when you encounter the error screens?