GROWTH PLAN Servers Faster?

How can we make the login process faster. Is there any increase in server scaling and thus increase in speed with the Growth Plan?

Currently on Free Plan and not happy with the time that the user must wait between loading screens.

If there was a faster login experience with Growth Plan, that would be a big incentive for us to upgrade.


Hi, it is possible for you to attach a screen recording of login so that we can see how slow it is for you? Also may i know from which region you are doing login and which sdk are you using?

Hi @ishmael , rechecking here again, let me if your issue is resolved or your help in debugging this issue would be highly appreciated :slight_smile:

Hi, thanks for getting back to me, it’s been a while since I logged in here. Sorry for the delay.

Using no modal SDK. I can record a video later.

My main question was whether purchasing the growth plan would have speed increases.

Is this true or are the growth plan server configs the same as the free plan?


Hi @ishmael , We dont have any speed differences between various plans as of today. It should work same in all plans. But if its is slow for you thn it might be a issue. We can help you resolve it. Please so share the any network call from browser network console which is taking long for you.

Ideally new login registration time is ~2 sec (depends on the sdk, excluding page load times) and globally and login time should be under 0.5-1.5 sec.

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