Having issue on walletconnect mobile and authenticateUser for server side verification

I’m having trouble after implementing server side verification, it works fine on browser but on mobile browser doesnt work half the time. Im calling await web3auth.connect() followed by authenticateUser right away. The issue I’m seeing when using walletconnect with metamask, the metamask app comes up, I click connect and closes right away. This poses a problem because the user never sees the “Sign message” pop up. And even if I go back to metamask app, half the time i dont get the sign notification. Need guidance\help on how to solve this issue, I can give code samples if needed.

Hey @jpinales,

Welcome to the community! I’m sorry to hear you’re experiencing some inconvenience. To help us understand and address the issue more effectively, could you please try to replicate this problem using our demo app on the mobile browser? This step would greatly assist us in pinpointing the exact cause and finding a solution.

Thank you for your cooperation, and looking forward to assisting you further!

If I try this on my phone with walletconnect and metamask app, i dont get the connect notification. sometimes. However when I do get it, it doesnt have the sign message prompt because the demo its not using server side auth? My issue happens specifically when using server side auth

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