How to build demo app

I want to make it almost the same as this demo (1), how can I copy it or clone the github?
And I was told about this repo (2) but it doesn’t work when I clone it.
And I was told about this repo but it doesn’t work when I clone it.

(1) 3

  1. Build the Web3Auth packages

git clone

cd web3auth-web
npm install
npm run bootstrap && npm run build

  1. Start the demo app

Inside web3auth-web directory.

cd demo/vue-app
npm install
npm run serve

Start the demo app
Inside web3auth-web directory.

cd demo/vue-app
npm install
npm run serve

I did it. But I got a long error message and could not proceed.

Please share the error message

Hey @yusukemh762

If you’re using the web3auth-web repository, you’ll need to build all the packages in the local first and then use the demo. This will be a long and tedious task, hence I’d recommend you to skip that, instead do the following:

npx degit Web3Auth/web3auth-pnp-examples/web-modal-sdk/multi-page-examples/vue-multi-page-modal-example w3a-example

cd w3a-example
npm install
npm run serve

This will give you the access to

Unfortunately, the code for is not available publicly. I’m unable to share that example with you at the moment.

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