How to check if the user has closed the web3auth modal?

Please provide the following details too when asking for help in this category:

  • SDK Version: “@web3auth/base”: “^4.6.0”,
    @web3auth/modal”: “^4.6.2”,

  • Platform: Windows ( Google Chrome )

  • Browser Console Screenshots:

    You can see the X icon . In my application there is a LogIn button that is antD loading button , the loading starts as soon as the user clicks on the LogIn button and it currently stops only when the user has either successfully logged in or when he clicks on any of the login providers and then a second modal opens and he closes the second modal . I want to stop loading also at the time when the user has clicked X icon of the above web3auth modal .

@pantgaurav31 Thanks for your question.

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We throw an error. You can check for the functionality.